Serout from port c on 28X1 ?


New Member
I know the following line will work on a 28X1

high portc 0

This will turn leg 11 into an output pin (by default it is a input pin).

But I have been unable to use leg 11 for the following:-

serout portc 0,t2400,(254,128,"ADC value ",#b0," ")

Is it possible to use any of legs 11 to 18 for this job?



For the 28X, 28X1, 40X and 40X1, the use of PortA and PortC pins for other than the default analogue inputs (PortA) and normal digital input (28pin chips) is limited to
- simple HIGH and LOW commands to use as outputs and
- IF...THEN tests to use as inputs
as described in PICAXE manual 1 pages 84 to 87 inclusive.