serin/serout command


Senior Member
hi all
i am using a 40X2 picaxe and i would use the serin /serout command but there is some difficults
the manual say:
SERIN [timeout,address], pin,baudmode,{#}variable,{#}variable
Pin is a variable/constant which specifies the i/o pin to use.
for that i try A.0 to A.7 and B.0 to B.7 , C.0 to C.7 and D.0 to D.7
not all pins names are accepted by the compiler and nowhere in the manual i found explanations about this
i am sure that some senior member get the answer
thanks by advance


Senior Member
Did you tell the compiler you're programming for a 40X2? I just tried to compile a program using all pins for serin and it works.

Perhaps there is something else wrong in the line... can you post the full command you're trying?

#picaxe 40x2

serin A.0, N2400, b0
serin A.1, N2400, b0
serin A.2, N2400, b0
serin A.3, N2400, b0
serin A.4, N2400, b0
serin A.5, N2400, b0
serin A.6, N2400, b0
serin A.7, N2400, b0

serin B.0, N2400, b0
serin B.1, N2400, b0
serin B.2, N2400, b0
serin B.3, N2400, b0
serin B.4, N2400, b0
serin B.5, N2400, b0
serin B.6, N2400, b0
serin B.7, N2400, b0

serin C.0, N2400, b0
serin C.1, N2400, b0
serin C.2, N2400, b0
serin C.3, N2400, b0
serin C.4, N2400, b0
serin C.5, N2400, b0
serin C.6, N2400, b0
serin C.7, N2400, b0

serin D.0, N2400, b0
serin D.1, N2400, b0
serin D.2, N2400, b0
serin D.3, N2400, b0
serin D.4, N2400, b0
serin D.5, N2400, b0
serin D.6, N2400, b0
serin D.7, N2400, b0
Syntax check successful!

Memory used = 138 bytes out of 4096


Senior Member
you are right !!

thanks you chavaquiah
you are right !!
i just forget to tell on the first line what picaxe type i am using
thanks a lot
