serial I/O


New Member
I'm a new user, so sorry if I'm asking an obvious question:

When using SERIN, SEROUT commands in a 28X part, which actual pins on the device are seleced from the numeric in the serial command ?

Is it a pin on the input/output (pins 11-18), or one of the output pins (21-28)

The manual seems to refer only to pin allocations on the 08 series parts



On the 28X, you can use serin on any of the 'standard' inputs 0-7, that's physical pins 11 to 18. Serout can be used on any of the 'standard' outputs 0-7, that's physical pins 21 to 28.

When writing code, it is the output/input number that is refered to. NOT the physical pin number.
eg serout 1,....
will send data out on output 1.
For an 08M that would be chip pin6, on a 28X it would be chip pin 22.

Edited by - beaniebots on 01/12/2006 16:15:52