Scroll bar on [code]...[/code] block

Jeremy Leach

Senior Member
Apologies if this has been covered before ....but my scroll bar on big code blocks in forum posts doesn't scroll down. So I can never see the bottom part of people's code unless I press 'quote' as if I'm replying.

Anyone else have this problem? I'm just using bog standard Internet Explorer.
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Senior Member
Personaly I don't know but just as a general recomendation; Google Crome.
I've found it exelent. I've kept IE8 because it is more compatible, but you wont believe the pace of Crome or how easy it is to use.

Jeremy Leach

Senior Member
I'm using IE7. What's wierd is that if I click on the link you've just given I can scroll on your code in that thread, but if I go to that thread from the forum list I can't. (I'm thinking of trying Chrome).
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Just tried with both Mozilla and IE7 (no grease monkey) and both are working okay here and can scroll down to bottom on the [ code ] windows and see all lines


Senior Member
Before you get carried away. Chrome is a massive project, written at great expense by Google, and offered free. The company that also offers free email (Gmail). What they don’t tend to advertise is that every single byte of every Gmail is used by them as they see fit. They store it and search it and analyse it. Nothing is private. They also store your IP address and ALL the things you have ever typed into the Google search bar. The Google page, using simple Javascript they can also copy a complete list of all the websites you have visited since you last cleared out your cache. Google is the ultimate voyeur. And it has a very long, perfect memory.

Google will quickly explain that this is merely to ‘improve’ the browsing experience by preventing inappropriate advertising and making sure that the adverts you see are ‘relevant’ to you. But don’t be fooled. Only a couple of months ago, the US government was negotiating open access to Googles records. I expect by now that the CIA has complete personal histories of everyone who ever typed ‘explosives’ into Google or Gmail (among other things).

I have no idea how ‘good’ Chrome is. And I never shall. I don’t want my privacy invaded any more than it has to be thank you. (If the word Privacy means anything these days.)


Senior Member
Didn't know that:confused:
I think I'll prefer to think of it as my own private messaging service to them :p.
Besides, if that has helped in the development of the new crome I'd say it's worth it.
Also besides, they only must be able to access that info, something in the privacy statement. Also that should only bother you if your some criminal of idiot bying nuke's over the internet.:cool:


Ex-Staff (retired)
Also that should only bother you if your some criminal of idiot bying nuke's over the internet.
Theoretically yes, the "if you have nothing to hide then you have nothing to fear" argument, but how can you determine what it is 'they' are looking for or judging on ? What about an innocent search on Hydrogen Peroxide, or a genuine interest in finding what TATP is which you've heard about but never had explained ?

What about searching for PICAXE information when someone has decided it can be used for nefarious purposes ? What happens when searching for that information gets you flagged up as a potential criminal idiot which someone needs to keep an eye on ? What happens when that flagging through a PICAXE search turns into a flag which stops you getting the job you were after ?

It's not what you do it's what they think you may be doing.


Senior Member
Google will quickly explain that this is merely to ‘improve’ the browsing experience by preventing inappropriate advertising and making sure that the adverts you see are ‘relevant’ to you

I have no idea how ‘good’ Chrome is. And I never shall. I don’t want my privacy invaded any more than it has to be thank you. (If the word Privacy means anything these days.)

Your paranoia is showing.

It's too late!

If you think that this only happens with Google's Chrome, you are sadly mistaken. Just about anything you do on the internet or phone system is being tracked in one way or another.


BTW, Chrome is a very clean and easy to use browser. I've been very happy with it.


Ex-Staff (retired)
I'm using IE7. What's wierd is that if I click on the link you've just given I can scroll on your code in that thread, but if I go to that thread from the forum list I can't.
Odd indeed. If I view this thread in IE 6.0 and click the link I get a new not-maximised IE page of that thread, no scroll bar but as soon as I maximise it appears. If I refresh that page the scroll bar disappears.

Un-maximise and the scroll bar comes back ( plus horizontal bar in my case ), maximise and it's there. Refresh and it's gone again.

Added : The opposite of what BeanieBots is seeing with IE7 in post #9 !

Some weird interaction between the formatting tags and IE's rendering I'd guess.


Senior Member
Well put Hippy. We are being (and will be) judged based upon the agenda at the time of those doing the judging. Who that is and what their agenda might be tomorrow or 10 years from now, is completely unpredictable. One day, a PICAXE will be found in a terrorists bomb. Then we are all going to get flagged. If we are not already. Maybe this very conversation in this very thread has caused some automated flags to raise. The point is, we have no idea what information they have and how they intend to use it. AND NEITHER DO THEY! That’s what bothers me.


Odd indeed. If I view this thread in IE 6.0 and click the link I get a new not-maximised IE page of that thread, no scroll bar but as soon as I maximise it appears. If I refresh that page the scroll bar disappears.

Un-maximise and the scroll bar comes back ( plus horizontal bar in my case ), maximise and it's there. Refresh and it's gone again.

Added : The opposite of what BeanieBots is seeing with IE7 in post #9 !

Some weird interaction between the formatting tags and IE's rendering I'd guess.
This is something which has happened quite recently. At least within the last few months. So what changed? The forum or IE7 or both?

Boriz, we've already had said manufacturers here!
If you want to have fun, use your favourite search engine to research all the 'key words' and then see how slow browsing becomes afterwards.;)


Scroll bars working for code blocks

Just tried a few tests under IE7 Version 7.0.5730.13

No problems with:

(1) windows at full screen or reduced size (about 50% width)
(2) with various resolutions including 1024 x 768, 1280 x 720, 1280 x 960 or 1440 x 900.


Ex-Staff (retired)
Definitely odd. The trouble is there are so many variables that's it's incredibly difficult to nail down an exact cause; vBulletin, browser make, browser version, installed DLL's and ( as with my IE6 experience ) behaviour can vary under different circumstances even with everything as an otherwise known constant - That points to an IE6 rendering issue in my case IMO.

AFAIK but could be wrong; vBulletin doesn't generate different HTML for different platforms, browsers or browser versions so that should be consistent, any variations in rendering come down to the browser used.

Until the exact cause(s) can be found it seems unlikely that much can be done to resolve it.

Peter M

Senior Member
Yes I too have this problem, its not consistent though??:confused:
the scoll bar is always visable!
Sometimes I can only scroll 1 line when I know there's at least 20, and other times I can scroll many lines.. very frustrating... but then I just thought that MicroSoft was just being its usual @^%$%^$ annoying self
IE7 7.0.5730.13....... maybe its just a 13 thing:eek:
And I've also had times when I've clicked "submit reply" and its gone -Yep no worries- gone where??? No idea?:mad: very frustrating.


Senior Member
I did "view source" on one of the pages where I had trouble scrolling, and all of the code was there. Refreshing as Jeremy suggested did fix it, so I'm guessing it's an IE7 problem.


Technical Support
Staff member
We think it is some kind of conflict between cached pages on the server and internet explorer's rendering. If we ever find out why it is so we will certainly correct it, but we are not sure why it occurs at present - however if you hit 'refresh' the scrollbar will always work in our experience!


Senior Member
Is there a parameter you can add to the
 tag to keep it from putting in a scrollbar in the first place?  I'd prefer it just show the code in its entirety rather than making me scroll through it.


Ex-Staff (retired)
@ vttom : Last reports were that Rev-Ed have no intention to change the [code] functionality, some people like it and prefer it that way.

For those using Firefox there's the GreaseMonkey plug-in and marcos.placona wrote a number of scripts which can alter how [code] blocks display ...


Senior Member
Instead of hitting refresh, get a current copy of the page when you go to it.

In IE6 (probably also IE7):
Tools -> Options -> General -> Temporary Internet Files -> Settings

Try setting "Check for new versions of stored pages" to

Every visit to the page


Every time you start Internet Explorer



Code page scroll problems

Just did some checks form this PC I am currently at. Never had a problem whenever at this PC (one of a few I use regularly)

Just did a few check. Ruinning IE7 Version 7.0.5730.11 (other PC checked before was Version 7.0.5730.13)

This PC is set to get the page again with a Tools/Internet Options/Browsing History setting of
"Every time I visit the webpage"

Could this IE setting be the clue. :confused:


Senior Member
Date & Time formats on forum

I've had the disappearing scroll bar on code forever too - just didn't want to make an issue out of it - so instead I'd like to suggest that Tme/Date formats be changed - seems appropriate on 12-12-08 when no one does not know it's 12 Dec! But what about 6-7-08 ?

Could we perhaps have formatting that is like '6 JUL 08? '

With regard to time, since this wonderful forum is used around the globe, posting times 'yesterday' and 'today' get problematic... How about 13 hours ago, 27 hours ago etc... with even decimal hours being acceptable [but please NOT JULIAN date :-0] - thanks for considering it! PICAXE away at it-


Senior Member
If you configure the time offset in your preferences within the forum to reflect you local time, then today, yesterday etc is all relative to your local time. Don't see a problem with that.


Senior Member
OK - however I like a simple statement of hours just to avoid calculating how long ago something was... getting lazy in my dotage... and I like to think we are all simultaneous - even if some are at work or asleep... :) a pleasant illusion... perhaps brought about by seeing so many pictures from space of the earth all patched together when light or dark... I used to run my watch on Z but then people looking at it got confused... [I'm USA MST]. And a good time was had by all... :)