Scematic and code review please?


Senior Member
Do you use a scalpel between the tracks? I still have an old-fashioned "Swann Morton" scalpel (like hospitals used to use) but a "Stanley knife" would do the job. :D

I hate the new Pb-free solder as well!
Thanks for the tip, Jim. Have you tried the solder with the tiny % of silver in? Worth the extra?



Senior Member
Without knowing your project's actual current draw, I'm only guessing, but you asked for comments.....
Why are you using a 78L05 regulator instead of a regular 7805? The "L" means Low power, and it can deliver only 100 mA, and has very limited ambient power dissipation. If the device reaches its thermal limit, it will respond by lowering the voltage.
It is a 78L05. But if you study the schematic earlier in this thread, only the Picaxe, the RTC module, the pendulum display, the piezo sounder, the LDR and the IR sensor use the 5V rail. They shouldn't need anything approaching the 100mA the regulator can provide. The regulator is not noticeably warm. All the higher current components, the 7-seg displays, their driver IC and the darlington drivers for the solenoids, run off the 9V rail. Also, as I mentioned earlier, this all worked OK on breadboard.

But thanks for the suggestion, I will check the 5V rail with DMM.