RGB LED control


New Member
I'm thinking of controlling a RGB LED with picaxe. The idea is that the picaxe will be connected to a computer and listens for serial commands.

I have read the hpwm command documentation but something is not clear to me yet.

It states that the new parts can contol up to 4 lines with hpwm. does this also count for the 14M? This would be great as that would cut the cost of using 3x08M

BTW this is what I would like to make. (more or less) [link]http://www.thinkgeek.com/gadgets/electronic/5da2/[/link]


Edited by - lazarus on 16/05/2007 10:42:31


Technical Support
Staff member
On the 28X1/40X1 hpwm can control up to 4 individual PWM outputs at the same time. They are, however, all at the same frequency! pwmout command can control 2 outputs at different frequencys.

On 14M hpwm can control 2 outputs (in half bridge mode). However one is the complement of the other, so the ratios are still fixed and you can't have two different frequencies (as you would probably want with RGB setup).


New Member
ok thanks, I'll go for the 28X1 then. It's not a problem that they work at the same freq as long as they can have a different on/off ratio.
