

New Member
The picaxe 28X comes with a resonator. Could I use any quartz crystal instead - such as one out of a digital clock?

Bob Elton

New Member
A resonator can be replaced by a crystal as long as the crystal is the right type and of a sutiable frequency spec and you will need 2 small capacitors as well.

I can't see your clock so I haven't got a clue if it's OK. What does it look like? What frequency is it?

You can't just replace a resonator with any old crystal. So, a 4MHz resonator can be replaced with a 4MHz crytsal plus 2 20pF to 30pF(ish) capcitors. Or you can choose a faster crystal if you make adjustments to software settings where available.

I'm sure one the main PICAXE Data Sheets shows how to connect a crystal. Have a look.

If you are worried about the capcitor values then take a look at crystal manufacturer's data sheets - it's all there if you look.

Edited by - bobelton on 17/07/2007 22:39:49


Any Crystal between 4 MHz and 20 Mhz
with 22 pF Ceramic caps will work.

Example: 6.144 MHz ,10.245 MHz ETC.

But I suggest sticking to 4 ,8 ,or 16 MHz
Or you won't be able to program the chip
as the programming editor only uses these frequencies.
