Really simple but why is it not working? Thank you

Well I am back, I haven't been allowed to do any projects due to a lot of course work needed to be done. Even though the coursework hasnt finished I am now able to program my VERY simple keypad.

It Is all here and all I want to do is do an 'if' command.

I will cut the code down relevent to what I am trying to acheive...

symbol SwitchE = B.7

if SwitchE = 1 then goto main2
goto main
Ok it works when I put 'If pinB.7 = 1 ......'
But how Can I use the label? I have no idea on why this is not working for me. Thanks allot for all your kind responses and I dp have a project coming up in a couple of weeks.

**cough** alarm clock +strobe light+ Air horns :)