Reading a serial value and making it an output value?


New Member

I have a Picaxe 18x connected to a set of XBee wireless modules. One module is connected to a computer spitting out a value every 5 seconds, the other module is connected to a picaxe chip. I have it so the pic can pick up values from the Xbee connected to the computer but am confused exactly how to translate this into an output value. I have never done anything concerning serial numbers into output values, does anyone know how to do this, I had a look at the Help documents but couldnt find anything that made sense to me....



New Member
I'm not quite sure I understand the question - if you want to convert a serial number into an output value you don't need to because the serial number is the output value.

If you want to convert a byte to a percentage, divide by 2.56 (multiply a word by 100 then divide by 256).

If you want volts, there are all sorts of cunning scaling maths you can do.

What is your code, and exactly what do you need to do?


I agree Doc, not obvious what is required.

What do you actually receive and how?
What do you want to "output"? More serial data?, a voltage?, turn on a light?


Senior Member
The way I read it is;

PC --> Data --> Xbee --> Xbee --> PICAXE18X ??what is the data the PC sent??

Did I guess right Mike?