read my program


is it possible to read back last basic program downloaded to a picaxe. I have a number of 08/08Ms and need to confirm last program I put in. I know, I should document more!


New Member
Not possible to read it back, no. You could devise what program you put in there by observing what the picaxe does, though. Run some tests and you should be able to narrow it down. That's assuming you wrote the program that's in them, of course ;)

--Andy P


Senior Member
One technique I use for "X" parts is to add a SERTXD at the very beginning of my program. Everytime the program starts up, it sends a three-character code (so, 1 in 16 million codes full hex 00 to FF, probably only 1.5 million - 1 to 10, A to B) to the PC which I can then backtrack to my Basic code.

<b><i>ylp88 </b> </i>