Radio Control with Picaxe


Hey guys.

Ok so appologise for asking so many questions could potentially get annoying.
My next question is how do i make my own radio control transmitter and receiver with picaxe?
Does anyone have any circuit diagrams or anything?

Cheers once again



Hey guys.

Ok so appologise for asking so many questions could potentially get annoying.
My next question is how do i make my own radio control transmitter and receiver with picaxe?
Does anyone have any circuit diagrams or anything?

Cheers once again

What do you want it to do?
How much money have you got?
What do you own?
What have you tried already?



Senior Member
And whilst not wanting to discourage invention .....

Why would you want to do this with so much cheap RC stuff available already built these days ?


What do you want it to do? - Ermmm well i was considering it as it would be the basis of some general projects, i have always wanted to make some sort of moving object such as a remote control car.

How much money have you got? - The school has said to purchase all components as long as they are "not to extravagant" saying that they do have pretty much every component i have come across so

What have you tried already? - In regards to projects i have made a electronic key pad door lock, a very simple traffic light system, small circuits with LDR's, a system that moves two servos attached to a chassis that move a webcam (controlled via

Why would you want to do this with so much cheap RC stuff available already built these days ? - my view is that i can understand how the core electronics of it work via making it, it would be more knowledgeable to make it rather than to read about it because i will have a working knowledge of the circuit.

Andrew Cowan

Senior Member
Your best option for a radio link (the other option is infra-red) would be a pair of 433MHz radio modules.

Cheap AM units will cost less than £10 for a pair of modules, and give a range of around 100 meters. Very do-able with two 08Ms and an L293D for on/off left/right control of a couple of motors.

For proportional control, you'd probably want another two 08Ms on the receiving side.



Senior Member
Do-able with 08m's for sure, but I would pick a Picaxe which the serin function has the timeout option, this is because utilising the timeout on serin allows you to impliment a failsafe function where the car/bot simply stops moving when it loses contact instead of blindly carrying on driving.