Radio Control Speed Controler Help

I have built a speed controler board using an 08M Picaxe chip and the Program bellow

symbol DEAD_BAND = 3
symbol MOTOR_OUT = 2
symbol RELAY = 1
symbol TIME_PERIOD = 40 'do pwm in the input pwm space period (18ms)


w2 = 0
pulsin 3,1,w0 'working range 58-250 with 150 being equivalent to a 1.5ms PWM input
if w0 = 0 then start
if w0 >= 153 then REV '60 - 250
if w0 <= 147 then FWD '58 - 140
goto start

LOW RELAY 'reverse relay on
w2 = 147 - w0 'proportional magnitude value
w3 = w2 * TIME_PERIOD 'ime period as a proportion of control input
pulsout 2,w3
goto start

HIGH RELAY 'reverse relay off
w2 = w0-153 'proportional magnitude value
w3 = w2 * TIME_PERIOD 'time period as a proportion of control input
pulsout 2,w3
goto start

Not my program buy the way.. I am getting some odd thinks happen
1. When i move my stick from centre to th forward possion the motor will speed up and as i get to the full forward position the motor will start to decreese speed. only get full (ISH) speed at 3/4 position????????????????
2. When starting the motor under a slight load the botor will just vibrate / buzz will not move ????????

Any help will be welcome

Regards Andy Quirot


Senior Member
Please supply details of your motor & power supply-a schematic & layout picture will also assist.


Senior Member
I did not examine your code in detail, but I would suggest that a PWM output is appropriate rather than the PULSOUT command. Here is some code for a -08M which does work. It uses a latching reversing relay, but would be simple enough to adapt to a non-latching type.
For low current applications <1A), directly driving a logic level MOSFET works OK, but a MOSFET driver is definitely preferred, and essential for higher currents (due to gate capacitance, switching frequency, linear MOSFET operation and all that jazz discussed many times on this forum).

'Reversing motor speed control using latching relay for reverse
'Kevin Goom, 15 August 2006
'PICAXE-08M connections are:
' Leg 1                   +5V
' Leg 2 (Serial in)       Tie to Ground through 10K resistor
' Leg 3  (In4/Out4)        Pulse input from radio receiver
' Leg 4  (In3)             NC
' Leg 5 (In2/Out2)    PWM to motor (via 500 ohm resistor and IRF530 MOSFET)
' Leg 6 (In1/Out1)    Output to latching relay for forward operation (via ULN2003)        
' Leg 7 (Out0/Serial Out) Output to latching relay for reverse operation (via ULN2003)
' Leg 8                   Ground
symbol PW_null=w2  'Name the null position input pulse width
symbol PWin=w1   'Name the input pulse width
symbol Duty=w0   'Name the duty cycle
symbol Hysteresis=b6 'Name the amount of hysteresis
symbol Dir=b7   'Name the direction flag (0 = forward, 1=reverse)
Hysteresis=3   'Set hysteresis
Dir=0    'Set direction flag to forward initially
low 0    'Initial state of output to reverse of latching relay
low 1    'Initial state of output to forward of latching relay
pulsout 1,10000  'Set latching relay to forward with 0.1 sec pulse
   pwmout 2,255,0     'Make sure motor is off initially
   Pause 500      'Wait 1/2 second initially
   pulsin 4,1,PW_Null    'Measure the input pulse width initially (null position)
   if PW_Null<135 or PW_Null>165 then initialise'Go back if no valid null input detected
   pwmout 2,255,0     'Stop PWM signal to motor on signal loss
   pulsin 4,1,PWin     'Measure the input pulse width initially (null position)
   if PWin<75 or PWin>225 then restart 'Go back if no valid input detected
   pulsin 4,1,PWin     'Measure the input pulse width
   if PWIn<75 or PWin>225 then restart 'Go back if no valid input detected
   if PWin > PW_Null then forward_  'Check for forward rotation
   if Duty<hysteresis then stop_  'Stop motor if input within deadband 
 if Dir=1 then ContR
  pwmout 2,255,0    'Stop PWM signal to motor
  Pause 500     'Pause for 1/2 second on changing forward to reverse
    pulsout 0,10000      'Set latching relay to reverse with 0.1 sec pulse
 Dir=1      'Set the direction flag to reverse
   Duty=Duty*26 max 1020    'Set duty cycle from 0 to 1023
   pwmout 2,255,Duty    'Send PWM signal to motor
   goto recheck     'Return to measure input pulse
   if Duty<hysteresis then stop_  'Stop motor if input within deadband
 if Dir=0 then ContF
  pwmout 2,255,0    'Stop PWM signal to motor
  Pause 500     'Pause for 1/2 second on changing reverse to forward
    pulsout 1,10000    'Set latching relay to forward with 0.1 sec pulse
 Dir=0      'Set the direction flag to forward
   Duty=Duty*26 max 1020    'Set duty cycle from 0 to 1023
   pwmout 2,255,Duty    'Send PWM signal to motor
   goto recheck     'Return to measure input pulse
   pwmout 2,255,0     'Stop PWM signal to motor
   goto recheck     'Return to measure input pulse