R/C Servo questions - durability

Chris DeHut

Senior Member
Hi all,

knowing that I can use a PICAXE to control an R/C servo, I am thinking this may be just the ticket for something I am working on.

I need to move and hold a lever in position for a device. I tried to use 4 pound pull solendoids, but they just don't have enough pull to move the lever. I then thought about a stepper with a lead screw, and, while this would work, it would be a bit bulky.

SO, I got to thinking about a servo motor - it's small, it's precise, pretty easy to mechanically interface with the device. I am wondering how durable these things are for extended use - in planes and cars etc., they only run for about 20 minutes or so before re-fueling.

Anyone care to share some experiences with them?




Senior Member
Hi Chris,

I am in Rc Planes and There a lot of Good Quality servos out there.You can get a servo with Metal gears and Ball Bearings that are pretty Durable.

Michael 2727

Senior Member
An Auto windshield wiper motor makes a good
heavy duty servo, they use a worm drive, so
it does not need power to stay in place once
movet to a position.
A unit from a small Japanese model car may
be enough, if not use a larger one.

One of these units from the Auto wreckers
would probably be cheaper than a model
servo also.
