programming PC BIOS


Hi there.

I've done some simple robots with PICAXE.

I've got a eee PC that is bricked. needs a BIOS flash.
I've read that some people can de-solder the BIOS chip and re-program it with SPI Flash.

The BIOS chip is: part number is Winbond 25X40VSIG.

Can I do it with my PICAXE setup?
I've got a AXE020 PICAXE28 board. can I plug the BIOS chip on it, and program it with PICAXE software, or other compatible?

Andrew Cowan

Senior Member
'Fraid not. The PICAXE programming software only works for PICAXE chips (which have a special bootloader).

Programming the BIOS chip will be hard - I'd imagine it is surface mount (so harder to remove/put in programmer/remove/replace), and I'm not sure how you would go about programming it anyway. No PIC/AVR programmer is likley to work - you'll need a specilist bit of kit.

Hopefully someone else on here can help you more.

Welcome to the forum!



Senior Member
No probably not, for a start I'm amazed its a DIL chip. Also the PICAXE system uses different download systems to the PIC systems as far as I'm aware.


Senior Member
A computer CPU can program the BIOS chip. I have no idea how, but if you are really commited I think it could be possible. You'd most likely need a scope and I imagine this would be incredibly complex :(


Another Option:

you can often buy replacement BIOS chips on Ebay:

Working with a PC BIOS can be easy if you know what you are doing and do some research. I have a "home brew" BIOS in two of my PC's.
Took a standard ASUS BIOS then merge in a suitable SI SATA RAID bios so I can run SATA-II HDD's on an ancient (6yo) ASUS mobo that has SATA-I ports but no drivers to match.

But can be far more difficult if the existing BIOS will not boot at all. That is when the new chips is handy (never needed one myself).
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