Programming Editor 5.5.1


Senior Member
A minor update is available at

revision history reads..

Added 'Continue anyway?' option on start of duplicate instance
Updated to version 2.4 compiler
- M2 X2 Added 'ultra' command for ease of use of SRF005 ultrasonic sensor
- M2 Added missing NAND and NOR operators
- M2 Added missing outpinB.PIN, outpinC.PIN definitions
- All Added write/read/peek/poke support for WORD option with the s_W? variables
- All Removed the limit of 100 Cases within a single Select..EndSelect
Corrected the following on-screen simulation issues:
- resume/suspend/restart on 08M2 now supports all 4 tasks

It would seem a new set of manuals are included in the download too. I'll have to see when its finished downloading ;)

EDIT: no new 'basic commands' manual :confused:


Senior Member
With this 'Continue Anyway' function, why does it attempt to close the first instance when you press 'Yes'?


Senior Member
- M2 X2 Added 'ultra' command for ease of use of SRF005 ultrasonic sensor
- All Added write/read/peek/poke support for WORD option with the s_W? variables
Are these additions described in the Manual? I can't find 'srf005' or peek/poke support for s_W? variables.


Ex-Staff (retired)
- M2 X2 Added 'ultra' command for ease of use of SRF005 ultrasonic sensor
- All Added write/read/peek/poke support for WORD option with the s_W? variables
Are these additions described in the Manual? I can't find 'srf005'
The ULTRA command is not currently described in the manual but will be in due course. Sometimes the compiler capabilities can run ahead of the manuals and this is one of those cases.

or peek/poke support for s_W? variables.
This is extended support to existing commands to allow the use of "POKE <adr>, WORD s_w0" and similar. 's_w0' and similar are covered by the existing syntax definition as word variables.


ULTRA command

The Ultra command is described in the "Quick Syntax Checker" accessed using [F1] in the V5.5.1 Programming Editor.

ULTRA pin, variable == Read the distance from an SRF005 ultrasonic sensor into variable

For the SRF005 ultrasonic range finder module see:


and just now . . . . added to the on-line command summary ;)

but one must accept that Rev Ed did only upload the V5.5.1 PE within recent time/hours. :)
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My turn with the Mr. Picky hat...there is a small error in the online version..

..the last paragraph should be
Centimetre version equivalent on PICAXE M2 -

pulsout pin, 2
pulsin pin, 1, wordvariable
variable = wordvariable max 7548 * 5 / 148
A nice command though :)


@Martin57, inch is correct - but both said M2 so changed one to X2.

Any retrospective possibility for X1 parts since it is seemingly a PE macro?
Not planned, because it is a bidirectional pin command.

oops - sorry WestAust55 - we just accidentally edited your post rather than started our own new reply! Misuse of moderator status!
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Senior Member
There is a problem with the simulation of the tune command: instead of playing the tune properly, it plays various 50Hz mains/bass sound effects for each note. I can only hear the pitch of notes above E7, and even those are an octave too low and out of tune. Attached is a 'sound test' RTTTL that i've made, with notes from C5 to B7 going up in semitones. The export to WAV function is unaffected and works how it should.
The sound output is at persistently 100% of the max (set/clip/ceiling) volume, so the distortion could be due to this. I would like the sound to output about 50% of the max volume so I don't have to turn down the master volume of the computer output.

I want to see if anyone else has this problem.
Thanks. T


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Senior Member
I've attached a ZIP of the sound I get (what comes out of the sound card) when I play the tune test in the PICAXE Tune Wizard. The first part is as in Tune test.txt but with the tempo set to 54 BPM, and the second part is D5, F5, B5 and F6 played longer (notes that sound impressive).



Ex-Staff (retired)
I loaded the tune_test.txt ascending scale into the Ringtone Wizard and Play from within the Wizard sounded okay and as expected, though being tone deaf no guarantees on frequency.

Copied the generate TUNE sequence to an empty program, simulated that and it also sounded okay.

I think we might need a clearer indication of where exactly it isn't working for yourself to investigate further.