PICAXE serial communication


what im looking to do is communicate between two PICAXE 28A chips using serin/serout. how would i go about this? would i just connect, say, output pin 1 on the transmitter, and input pin 1 on the reciever together directly, or do i need to use some form or isolator and/or a pull up/down resistor?

Thanks fr your help!


Direct connection is OK but if the receiver input can also be made an output, it is a good idea to include a series resistor of several hundred ohms to prevent accidental clashes.


OK, thanks, i just thought id check as last time i tried it, i burnt out a PICAXE chip. probably cos i connected them with no program downloaded yet though.

I find 08's tend to be no problem. Probably because I stick to using pin 0 and pin 3.

You could devise a scheme with resistors and 1N4148's to get a single wire half duplex system going if you wanted to reduce the number of conductiors / core count between devices.

Well selected and placed terminating resistors will also help improve transmission characteristics and noise rejection.

- Andrew