picaxe and mplab + icd2


Senior Member
hi all

for a dead or alive test i plug a picaxe 40x2 or other on my icd2 under mplab which say ok pic 18f4520 version vv which means >> pic alive
after this y put it in his socket on his board and connect to program editor and at this time ,no more possible to open dialog with the pic
this seems as if loader was cancelled from memory
is this a known issue ? is icd2 guilty ? or did i do some wrong action?
does somebody have answer to this mystery ? this is not first time i get this issue !



I'm not familiar with "icd2" so cannot be sure but any form of PIC programmer is a very dangerous place for a PICAXE.

Why are you using it for "pic alive" test? Have you already done something 'dangerous' that you think might have killed it?
To check a PICAXE, simply use the "Check Firmware" button. Much safer than any other method.


In simple terms, you cannot connect a PICAXE chip to a PIC programmer.

The PICAXE chip has an inbuilt bootstrap program to (a) download your tokenised BASIC program, and (b) an interpreter to read the tokenised BASIC and initiate the machine code steps required to perform the desired action.

Any attempt to read the Rev Ed proprietary firmware will delete the firmware (a security feature provided by Microchip who make the PIC chips) or writing to the PICAXE with a PIC programmer will also destroy the PICAXE firmware.