Picaxe 28x1 portc.5 serout

dennis shubert

New Member
I can use a serout on portc on a picaxe 28x2 but not on a 28x1 I tried using serout c.5 & serout c 5 & many combos but cant work on x1 I can high c 5 on x1 and works. Does an x1 not suppert serout on portc. Thanks for any info.
I can serout on (portb--serout 3 )on an x1


Ex-Staff (retired)
Unfortunately the 28X1 does not support SEROUT on port C, only a limited range of digital I/O.


Senior Member
With the 28X1 you could use "hserout" instead which will output serial data on PortC 6 if that pin is available.