PicAxe 14M


Where can I find a datasheet or other information on the new PicAxe14M? I just purchased a 14M and an axe117 programming board, but can find no comprehensive information on this chip. It is very frustrating.

Ed Grens


Senior Member
Theres a link in the store and the datasheet is included with the latest programming editor.

Like the other chips, it dont has it own data sheet, but is listed in the various other datasheet, 1-3 contains the pinouts, basic commands, and circuit designs.


Senior Member
?????? Just what did you wish to know? Simple? Advanced? If the latter, then just search on the PIC16F684. But for starters the 14M is really just an elongated 08M, so hence see perhaps <A href='http://www.picaxe.orcon.net.nz/14m6leds.jpg ' Target=_Blank>External Web Link</a> &amp; <A href='http://www.picaxe.orcon.net.nz/14mschm.gif ' Target=_Blank>External Web Link</a> It could hardly be simpler! Stan