PE COM ports


The PE only gives the option of 16 COM ports. When I connect the USB serial adapter I might get COM45 f'rinstance. I then rename it to say COM5 and it (sometimes) works.

Can PE give say 64 ports?




Senior Member
I have had a similar experience. (Windows XP Home SP3) However, after I put the new port number in, it stays put. Of course, the COMport number entered will only be associated with that physical USB jack (socket).

Once the driver has been configured for a particular device in a specific USB jack, the driver appears to be configured for whenever that device is plugged in to that jack.


Technical Support
Staff member
16 is the current limit of the (fairly old) development software that the PE is written in.

AXEpad uses a different development software base and will do up to COM255

However 16 COMs should be fine on almost any setup. To get to COM45 your system must be really playing around with funny drivers (e.g. bluetooth etc).

Once you set a COM port (using the instructions in AXE027.pdf) it should stick forever. You can normally safely ignore any Windows warnings saying, for example, 'com8 in use' if you know it isn't really - its just Windows confusing itself!