One Count Short


Senior Member
This looped timer is part of a conroller I am constructing. Eventually it will be working in minutes. I want to read the variable T into the display as it loops, however it reads 1 count short and I'm going round in circles trying to make progress!

Also are there any shortcuts I could use to "streamline" the code and reduce the byte count?

Many Thanks. Peter

View attachment Reads 1 low.bas


Well-known member
JPB33, I sure wish you had put your program within code blocks here rather than provided the download.


Senior Member
Has that got it!

                  'Part of the SBR 

symbol varT = b19
symbol varTEMPBYTE1 = b22
symbol varTEMPBYTE2 = b23
symbol varTEMPBYTE3 = b24

let b19 = 0		'reset variable B2 to 0
if pinC.2 = 1 then exit	'exit the loop early if C.1 is high
if pinB.1 = 1 then exit	'exit the loop early if B.1 is high
if pinB.2 = 1 then exit	'exit the loop early if B.2 is high
high C.1,B.0       ' C.1 high B.1 high
pause 1000		 'wait 1 second
serout C.3, N2400, (254, 128, "Aerate pre pump  ")
bintoascii varT, varTEMPBYTE1, varTEMPBYTE2, varTEMPBYTE3
serout C.3, N2400, (254, 192, "After ",varTEMPBYTE2,varTEMPBYTE3," x mins")
inc b19		   'increment the loop counter B2
loop while b19 < 7   'otherwise loop
low b.1,c.1          ' C.1 B.2 low 
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Ex-Staff (retired)
When you say the count is one short, what value do you get and what value were you expecting ?

For the code given the last value shown should be 6. Your b19 is then incremented, that becomes 7, is no longer less than 7 so the loop terminates, the program ends.

You possibly need to do the increment before putting the value to the display.


Senior Member
Thanks everyone, thats it! I was getting 6 when set to 7 but I was getting in a tangle with it, spent ages with it.

Is there any way to reduce/combine anything else? ie on the exit part or reading the variable T? Dont understand (but looking it up) what the DO by itself is for?

                   'Part of the SBR 

symbol varT = b19
symbol varTEMPBYTE1 = b22
symbol varTEMPBYTE2 = b23
symbol varTEMPBYTE3 = b24

let b19 = 0		'reset variable B2 to 0
if pinC.2 = 1 then exit	'exit the loop early if C.1 is high
if pinB.1 = 1 then exit	'exit the loop early if B.1 is high
if pinB.2 = 1 then exit	'exit the loop early if B.2 is high
high C.1,B.0       ' C.1 high B.1 high
pause 1000		 'wait 1 second
inc b19		   'increment the loop counter B2
serout C.3, N2400, (254, 128, "Aerate pre pump  ")
bintoascii varT, varTEMPBYTE1, varTEMPBYTE2, varTEMPBYTE3
serout C.3, N2400, (254, 192, "After ",varTEMPBYTE2,varTEMPBYTE3," x mins")
loop while b19 < 5   'otherwise loop
low b.1,c.1          ' C.1 B.2 low   


Senior Member
what the DO by itself is for?
Its not by itself, as you will see when you look it up, there is a matching 'loop' somewhere below.

If the code is indented, its much clearer whats going on;

             if pinC.2 = 1 then exit	'exit the loop early if C.1 is high
             if pinB.1 = 1 then exit	'exit the loop early if B.1 is high
             if pinB.2 = 1 then exit	'exit the loop early if B.2 is high
             high C.1,B.0       ' C.1 high B.1 high
             pause 1000		 'wait 1 second
             inc b19		   'increment the loop counter B2
             serout C.3, N2400, (254, 128, "Aerate pre pump  ")
             bintoascii varT, varTEMPBYTE1, varTEMPBYTE2, varTEMPBYTE3
             serout C.3, N2400, (254, 192, "After ",varTEMPBYTE2,varTEMPBYTE3," x mins")

loop while b19 < 5   'otherwise loop


Ex-Staff (retired)
Some people may find it easier to understand what value a DO-LOOP UNTIL ends with better than a DO-LOOP WHILE ...

b19 = b19 + 1
Loop While b19 < 5

b19 = b19 + 1
Loop Until b19 = 5

And it could be even clearer with a FOR-NEXT -

For b19 = 1 To 5