

I purchased the axe133y oled module. After soldering and powering up, the standard welcome message appears.

As soon as I tried to reprogram it, nothing appears. I'm not sure sure if I need this code: http://www.picaxe.com/downloads/axe133y.bas.txt or not.

All I tried was
 serout, B.7, N2400, ("Hello world")
When I put the firmware into the programmer and programmed, a blinking cursor came up. I tried a different programme- it didn't work and then I went back to the firmware, but this time is did not work.

Any suggestions?



Thanks for the super quick reply.

In the module, there is an 18m2. I guess this is what the firmware goes into.
Does that mean that I can't use this chip to actually display a message that I can program into it?
If so, do I need to use the serial in C.5 to receive from an 08m2, which serial outs my message?


Ex-Staff (retired)
The AXE133Y is designed so its on-board 18M2 takes incoming serial from another PICAXE and puts that on the OLED display. That's what the default firmware does.

The AXE33Y 18M2 can have an alternative program put into it which writes directly to the display and decides what to put there but it will have to access the I/O pins directly to do that, won't be able to do that with the simplicity of SEROUT commands.

You have two choices - Write code that works within the 18M2 on-board the AXE133Y, or use the AXE133Y and an additional PICAXE to communicate with the AXE133Y. If doing the later then any digital output can be used, which ever is convenient.


Thanks hippy, extremely helpful - the internet didn't give a lot away.

A bit silly though, the oled needs 2 chips to work


Senior Member
Needs more than that - the OLED is controlled by a chip - the Picaxe send commands to that - something else (Picaxe.. Arduino etc) sends commands to that) :eek:


Senior Member
A bit silly though, the oled needs 2 chips to work
No it doesn't, although Rev-Ed might want you to think that. The 18M2 is perfectly capable of controlling the OLED and having the main program run on it too and there's a few spare I/O for you to use for other things. Controlling the LCD with the 8-bit parallel interface is easy.