Old Chesnut - PCB design


There is a picaxe design we use a lot so its time to go to pcb.

Now the pcb design tools used here.....do they lead to data files that can passed to most large pcb manufacturers ?

A million years ago we called them Gerber files but times change so today's manufacturing may use other types of file data.

If anyone can point me in the right direction , it would be gratefully appreciated !




Ultimately, you should contact youir PCB manufacturer and ask them what THEY want.
Gerber is certainly still used and the most commom but some of the 'freebie' capture tools have custom formats to lock you into a particular supplier.

As for what's used here, pretty much anything. Usually freebies.
I'm sure you'll get a long list of "my favourite" shortly!

John West

Senior Member
I've used several such programs in the past - trying to find one I like. I finally found FreePCB. Does what it's supposed to do. Works well so far - is easy to understand - and has no built-in limitations.


My favourite is... I'll leave that to others, but most people's favourites are the ones where you can get the "boy's" version FOC.

Eagle and Diptrace are popular and have quite a little 'copy-me' community. Easy-PC and similar are the next grade up and will cost a minimum of £quite-a-lot.
There are so many..

Many PC manufacturers can take 'common CAD files' direct e.g. PCPOOL.

The firm I use claim to be able to take all CAD formats.
As BB says, Gerber is the common 'old faithfull' format and most/all Manufacturers will take that format.
Make sure your chosen CAD can export RS-274X format, as that contains aperture data etc. in the single file. It's an antiquated format and can lead to errors if the little chappy at the manuf isn't on the ball. But it is transportable.
Many CADs, including EasyPC, can import gerbers.
(You don't need to learn all this, it's simply a reference).

And with Gerbers there is always that niggling sense of doubt as you email the file to have 10,000 boards made. Yes, you can Gerber viewers. Some are a real pain.
I like my CAD as it gives a proper preview before Gerber file creation. It has been flawless, though a little old fashioned now.

Anyway, I too will leave others to list their favourites, keep in mind that most people have only experienced one CAD. Some people can't even create their own components so I would take their opinions with a pinch of salt :)

One final thing: SUPPORT.
Will you doing a lot of CADding and want to get going quickly?
You will get better support with a bought'n one.
I have found NumberOne(Easy-PC) and Seetrax to give excellent support (so far!)
If you don't really need support in a hurry and/or your boards are small/simple then just get a freebie.

No doubt you will get a pile of Freebies listed below....
Good luck with your search.
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One of my pcb manufacturers use these extensions on the data files




So I assume thats gerber

Does FreePCB kick out gerber files ?

Many many thanks for all your replies !

:) :) :)



I don't know those file extensions.

If they are "one of your PCB manufacturers" then why don't you phone them up and ask them? You sound like you have a lot of boards made if you use several manufacturers.
I'm sure they'll tell you.

All my Gerbers are .ger


I don't know those file extensions.

If they are "one of your PCB manufacturers" then why don't you phone them up and ask them? You sound like you have a lot of boards made if you use several manufacturers.
I'm sure they'll tell you.

All my Gerbers are .ger
At the sharp end they only speak chinese, so I email ! *LOL*

Looks like they are not gerber !


John West

Senior Member
One of my pcb manufacturers use these extensions on the data files




So I assume thats gerber

Does FreePCB kick out gerber files ?

Many many thanks for all your replies !

:) :) :)

Yep. They do Gerbers. Have a help forum as well. Nice folks. BTW I've used (or tried) everything from Pcad (corporate job)to EaglePCB to SuperPCB. I've had several projects fabbed from various bd cad pgms so I'm not inventing my opinions. If it's not a corporate level cad pgm you're after then give FreePCB a try. I like it.


I've gone with your suggestion FreePCB and a gerber reading application they recommend.

Its running aok on a Windows 7 box, Currently starting on page 99 the Tutorial section !

When I get stuck I'll join their Forum !

Many many thanks to all those who have responded to my plea for help !

Greatly appreciated !

:) :) :)
