Now is this possible !?


Its not an advert, i'm assuming you had the same issue as me where it just took you to the main page?
Once you've got the cookie identifying your location try the link again and it will work.

In answer to the OP the short answer is no.

The long answer is yes but.

You can do it, but not just with a picaxe. Unless I am very mistaken a picaxe is not capable of producing VGA or video out signals.
However what you can do is get a VGA or video output chip and control that using the serial output from a picaxe.

These sort of chips have been mentioned on the forum in the past, unfortunatly I don't have time at the minute to find them. Try searching for VGA or video in the search box might be a good place to start.


Senior Member
You can do it, but not just with a picaxe. Unless I am very mistaken a picaxe is not capable of producing VGA or video out signals.
However what you can do is get a VGA or video output chip and control that using the serial output from a picaxe.
Could the SPI output be made to work, something along the lines of: text video generator??


New Member
Yes, as mentioned above, the propeller can do vga and video. Not great video mind you - limited colors and also pixel size. It can do higher resolution with just text and two colors.

However, there could be a picaxe solution using the plethora of graphics LCD displays around. These have come down considerably in price, and a 128x64 display ought to be able to do some simple games. Simpler to program than the propeller.


Ex-Staff (retired)
In terms of directy generating composite video the PICAXE cannot do that. It would only really work with PICAXE which use external crystals and the abilities would be pretty limited.

There are a few prior discussions on the forum. I did do some direct video generation with a PICAXE which were not too bad but not really usable ( can't remember exactly what I did nor can I find a link ). The best option is some sort of dedicated text to video driver and interface to that.
Hey everyone !

Thanks for the replies :) I'm going to try having a play with the propeller chip as I've been looking for something slightly different to have a play with and 'broaden the horizons'.

Thanks all ! :D
