Noob Question | LED wont flash, ive tried everything.


New Member
Hello picaxe forums!

Im having a problem with my picaxe board. No matter what I try, I cant get a simple LED to flash.

My computer is detecting everything correctly, and the picaxe programming editor says its downloads correctly, but nothing happens.

Here is the code im trying to run
        high 1
        pause 500
        low 1
        pause 500
goto main
Ive looked at the guides on the picaxe website, and I did my wiring exactly the same. Ive also looked at some youtube videso for help, but couldn't find what I need.

Any help is appreciated. Thank you!


Senior Member
Your programme looks OK, what PIC are you using, which port C? Are you sure Pin-1 for that device is the pin on the IC you are using, check the diagrams for the PIC

Have you put your LED and series R across the supply to make sure it is illuminating? You may have the LED connected around the wrong way.


New Member
Hi xerif,

I never tried "high 1" but u normally specify a output pin like "high B.1" and of course your led must be wired to that pin. You can copy the hello world code from the picaxe website.


Senior Member
What PICAXE are you using? Using the #picaxe directive (which some people including myself think should be mandatory) would make this immediately clear.

Have you connected the LED to output 1 the correct way round including a 220-330 ohm resistor (not 330 megaohm) and definitely not leg 1?

Do you have a decoupling capacitor fitted?


The PICAXE definitions as recommended for the newer X2 and M2 parts are in fact pre-defined constants.
So B.0 = 0, B.1 = 1, . . . B.7 = 7, C.0 = 8, C.1 = 9 . . . C.7 = 15, etc

The older scheme using 0, 1, 2, . . .7 was intended for the M and X1 and earlier parts
Therefore High 1 with in effect make B.1 on a M2 or X2 part high.

You need to verify which pin you are connecting the LED to.

All the other question above are also valid - ie which PICAXE chip, go you have a resistor in series with the LED, etc

Have a look at PICAXE manual 3:
On page 9 is shows the basic circuit - but note the HIGH 1 in the example code will use pin B.1 on newer parts as I mentioned above.


Well-known member
This may or may not help your immediate problem, but is a suggestion for future troubleshooting.

"Noob Question | LED wont flash, ive tried everything. "

It is quite easy to think yourself into a corner that you can never get out of. Sort of like saying, "I'm in a closet surrounded by four walls. There isn't any way out!"

In any troubleshooting situation, if you can allow your mind to think the idea that, "There must be a way out, because I got in here didn't I?"

By allowing the thought that there is actually a doorway to the solution, you will more easily solve the problem.


Also, please draw and send at least a photo of your schematic.