NMEA GPS signal multiple re-tx


New Member
I am looking for a picaxe solution for a radio shack problem. At the moment I have 3 or 4 items that need an input from my single GPS NMEA source.

I can only use 1 at a time at present, but would like to feed each item with a serial NMEA output of their own.


I would like to take the NMEA 4800 baud out from my GPS into a PICAXE, the re-transmit it out of multiple output pins as full rs232 4800baud NMEA signals.

Looking at the PICAXE manual I see the "serin" will read quite happily, but instead of saving to a variable in the chip, I need to stream it out with, maybe, "serout" to as many output pins as I need to feed my multiple items.

Help for "COPYING" a serin to multiple serout would be great!!!!!!!

Rgds Ken


Senior Member
Hi Ken,

Welcome to the Forum.

2 things:
1-: This area of the forum is for Finished Projects. This question would be better posted in the regular forum.

2-: To answer you question: You don't need a PICAXE for this. Only some RS422 or RS485 transmitters. The inputs will all be commoned, preferably with an opto-coupled input device. If the drive is not enough, use a transistor between the O.Coup. and the inputs.

Most outputs can drive upto 2 inputs at a time.

Hope this helps.
