

Hello Again,

I took the advice of the members and researched the articles on sending and receiving data using preables and qualifiers. I also discovered that I can not be close to my laptop when testing as there seems to be interference from either my wireless mouse or my wifi because when I move both of them away from the laptop and battery power them both they work pretty good. I would now like to try and use he NKM2401 chip and see what the difference is between using serin and out vs rfin and out. The question I have is whether or not I need to send 8 bytes of data, (b0,b1,b2,b3,b4,b5,b6,b7), when I only need the b0, b1 and b3 data? Thanks again for the many helps I have received from the forum.



Technical Support
Staff member
The NKM chips must have 8 bytes, so just send the desired bytes a couple of times e.g. b0,b1,b2,b0,b1,b2,b0,b1
Upon receiving you can just ignore the last 5 e.g. b0,b1,b2,b3,b3,b3,b3,b3