New Compiler Front-End


Ex-Staff (retired)
A sneak preview of a compiler front-end for the PICAXE Command Line Compilers under Windows. Download, extract to a directory, copy the PICAXE*.EXE compilers into that directory. Use "COMPILE TEST1" or "COMPILE TEST1.BAS" etc

Adds many of the things which aren't currently supported by compilers and Programming Editor ...

* Selects appropriate compiler from #picaxe or /PICAXExxx switch
* C-like #define substitution with parameters
* Nested #include files
* Inline #macro expansions with parameters
* Use of boolean/bit/pin variables; If var Or pin1 Then
* Symbol k = Eeprom(....) to store and get address of data
* Unlimited maths with precedence in Symbol
* Constants everywhere can be maths with precedence
* Creates encrypted .OBX token image files ( add /OBX )
* Multiple number formats, $123, 0x123, &h123 etc
* use . or _ for number readability, %1010.0011.0101.1110
* Can be called by a GUI/IDE

Rough and ready so some things don't work as they should. Many more things supported and to be added. Doesn't do downloads to PICAXE yet and no documentation. 115KB
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Senior Member
Is this 'front-end' written in Basic.?
Can it be used under Linux.?
Note: I did see the "under Windows" part on the first line of your post..



Ex-Staff (retired)
Written in PowerBasic so will currently only run under Windows but should also work in WINE or some other VM under Linux ( not tested ).

It would be possible to convert the source to something else ( Perl being the most obvious for platform independence including Mac ) but because of the way it works there are IP issues in producing any source code versions.


New Member
Written in PowerBasic so will currently only run under Windows but should also work in WINE or some other VM under Linux ( not tested ).

It would be possible to convert the source to something else ( Perl being the most obvious for platform independence including Mac ) but because of the way it works there are IP issues in producing any source code versions.
Have you ever looked at PureBasic? It's cross platform and avalible in both Windows and Linux versions (as well as a few other platforms) and there are demo versions for free but they have limits of functions, the demo version not able to generate DDL modules and 800 code line limit.

I've been playing with the Windows demo version and it's a very impressive compiler/IDE package with a very active forum and lots of good documentation avablible. Can be used in both console mode or full Windows GUI modes. Looks like a very nice product that has had a lot of development over several years.
