Need one more output on the 20M


New Member
Is is possible to configure one of the input pins on the 20M to an output pin?
The picaxe manual shows how to do it for the 14M on page 80.
if yes can anyone show me an example.
Need just one more output but want to avoid going to a bigger chip.
Thanks in advance fellow picaxians


Ex-Staff (retired)
It is not possible to make any inputs of the 20M into an output though it should be possible to gain control over Serial Out and set that high or low as required. From Post #10 in -

Peek $05, b7
b7 = b7 | 1 ' Set serial Out High (+V)
Poke $05, b7

Peek $05, b7
b7 = b7 & $FE ' Set serial Out Low (0V)
Poke $05, b7