I built a small robot for a contest over at www.trossenrobotics.com based on the 18x and motor driver board. It was a pretty fun project and the PicAxe made things pretty simple.
youtube video:

youtube video:

' Darwin robot picaxe 18x controller code
' Written by jes1510
' September 2, 2008
' This software is for obstacle avoidance for the Darwin robot.
' It first looks for an obstacle to the front of the robot. If an obstacle is detected then it turns
' in a random direction. It also monitors the button on the botton of the robot. Once the button has
' been pressed 3 times then the motors are stopped and the robot turns the servo to look to the left,
' right, and then center, taking ir readings in all 3 positions. It picks a path based on the IR readings.
' Setup variables and Symbols
symbol leds = 3 ' LED eyes on output pin 3
symbol irPin = 0 ' IR on input pin 0
symbol buttonPresses = b3 ' Variable to hold button press count
symbol irLeft = b0 ' IR readings on left variable
symbol irCenter = b1 ' IR readings for center variable
symbol irRight = b2 ' IR readings on right variable
symbol servoPin = 0 ' Servo is connected to output pin 0
symbol buttonPin = pin2 ' Button connected to input pin 2
' Initialize
servo servoPin, 120 ' Initializes a servo on output pin0
let buttonPresses = 0 ' Initialize the button count variable to 0
high leds ' Turn on the LED eyes
' Main Loop
random w4 ' initialize a random number in word 4
if buttonPin = 1 then inc buttonPresses endif 'increment the var if the button is pressed
if buttonPresses = 3 then
let buttonPresses = 0 'reset the button press variable
gosub stopMotors
servopos servoPin, 75 'Far left
pause 750
readadc irPin, irLeft
gosub blink
servopos servoPin, 120 'center
pause 750
readadc irPin, irCenter
gosub blink
servopos servoPin, 165 'far right
pause 750
readadc irPin, irRight
gosub blink
servopos servoPin, 120 ' back to center
if irLeft > irCenter and irLeft > irRight and irLeft > 20 then gosub right ' Turn right
if irCenter > irLeft and irCenter > irRight and irCenter > 20 then gosub rvs ' Backup and turn
if irRight > irLeft and irRight > irCenter and irRight > 20 then gosub left ' Turn left
irLeft = 0
irCenter = 0
irRight = 0
readadc irPin, irCenter '
if irCenter > 45 then gosub randDir ' Go in a random direction if there is an obstacle straight ahead
gosub fwd
goto main ' Loop forever
fwd: ' Drive both motors forward
high 5
low 4
high 6
low 7
pause 500
goto main
left: ' Left motor reverse, right motor forward
high 4
low 5
high 6
low 7
pause 1500
goto main
right: ' Right motor reverse, left motor forward
high 5
low 4
high 7
low 6
pause 1500
goto main
stopMotors: ' Both motors stopped
low 5
low 4
low 6
low 7
rvs: ' Reverse both motors, turn in random direction
high 4
low 5
high 7
low 6
pause 3000
gosub randDir
blink: ' Blinks the LED eyes
low leds
pause 50
high leds
randDir: ' pick a direction based on the random number
if w4 > 32766 then goto right
if w4 <= 32766 then goto left
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