multiple servos on a 14m problem


got more servos in!

got em screwed to the breadboard and wired them up, used a 6v lantern battery for their voltage, using the picaxe 14m starter kit with 3 1.5v batteries for the rest.

I have 5 servos tied to the outputs 1-5 then wrote a little program to twiddle them one at a time.

servos 3-5 dont work

checked my wiring, checked my program, checked my wiring again. still no dice. altered the program to run just servo 1, no problem, servo 2 alone no problem, servo 3 no dice.

looking at the manual I see that outputs 3-5 can also be configured for other things, do I need to force the outputs for use on servos? says the default should work.

symbol whichservo=b3
for whichservo=1 to 5
servo whichservo,75
wait 1
servo whichservo,center
wait 1
servo whichservo,220
wait 1
low whichservo
next whichservo
goto start
to force it to run only one sevro, I remarked out the for next loop and set symbol whichservo=b3 to 1,2,3,etc

time to dig out the 7805's and start building the other circuits while I await replies


Ex-Staff (retired)
AFAIK it should work. Try a simpler program ...

Servo 1, 100 : Pause 1000
Servo 1, 200 : Pause 1000

Find a servo which works, then change pin number to 3 and see if the same servo still works.

Added : Tested on 14M Firmware Version 9.D, Programming Editor 5.2.7, and it works perfectly on all output pins 1 to 5. So I guess it's however the starter kit is wired up.
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