Multiple picaxes in one robot.


New Member
Many months ago I remember reading about a robot that used several micro controllers networked together. Each had a small task to do except for one of them that took all the data gathered by the others and crunched the numbers, figured out what to do and sent out the commands to all the others. So my question. Which picaxes can become slaves to one master on an I2C buss.


New Member
You can use serin and serout to send data between nodes - not quite as fast as I2C but fine for telling a leg to move to a certain position.


It is also possible with a few handshaking lines to get several devices to share the same I2C memory but with the 28X1's ability to be an I2C slave it's probably not worth the effort anymore. The serin timeout on the X1's also makes this type of application much easier.


Senior Member
You may opt for the SerialPower network solution and communication protocol, which works with all picaxe variants. You may choose between using separate power and data lines (simplest hardware, "Diode Mixing") or power and data combined over the same two wires. See the "User projects - Communication" part of this forum:
The pdf document on that link gives all information, including how to program each intelligent node
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New Member
You may opt for the SerialPower network solution and communication protocol, which works with all picaxe variants. You may choose between using separate power and data lines (simplest hardware, "Diode Mixing") or power and data combined over the same two wires. See the "User projects - Communication" part of this forum:
The pdf document on that link gives all information, including how to program each intelligent node
Thanks Everybody for the answers. I really like the serial power network. Very powerful network setup. I think I will us it even if I use 28x's or 40x's
