Missing variable feature in V5.3.1


Senior Member

Just for interest sake; has the variable feature on the top right hand been compromise in PICAXE programming editor v5.3.1?

In previous versions (v5.2.11 to 5.2.8), when the syntax or simulate (iff there is code) function button is press, all the number of variables in the selected PICAXE is displayed be it symbolized or not but with V5.3.1 this only happens provided a variable is symbolized (e.g b0=bananas) and only that particular variable with its symbol can be displayed (which is also shown in the picaxe chip as with v5.3.11 and below).

The nice thing about the above feature was esp for new comers are; u can easily know the number of variables and see how the variables/bits are arranged in a particluar picaxe without having to revisit the manual esp if u're running short of variables when coding. :cool:

Contradictory to others, although good programming practice, i hardly use symbols as they instead confused me and waste lots of time esp if u've to define all used variables. :p

I know it's easy to memorize the variable counts in a particular picaxe family. tips: all x2 picaxes = 55+1 variables. ;)

Or has this got something to do with my settings of the programming editor or maybe i'm day dreaming. :rolleyes:?


i hardly use symbols as they instead confused me and waste lots of time esp if u've to define all used variables
You're kidding right??

So, you are saying you can remember all 55 variables in all your programs and still remember them and what they do several years later when you revisit the code. I'm impressed!

A word of advice though. As age sets in (and I'm well qualified to comment here), the memory starts to fade. At least, I think it does. Now, what were we talking about. Oh yes, variables. Use symbols, then you won't forget what you used them for:cool:


Ex-Staff (retired)
I don't believe the functionality has changed and it's the same for AXEpad.

I Installed 5.2.7 and 5.2.9 ( I don't have 5.2.8 for some reason ) and those do not populate Code Explorer except for Symbol defined variables.

The main uses of Symbol, beyond aiding memory and making things clearer for yourself and others reading your code, are to prevent accidental or unintentional re-use of variables as you are coding. Re-use a wrong variable and you can introduce bugs elsewhere in the program which can be near impossible to track down. They also help to avoid accidental mistakes such as typing 'b11' when you meant 'b1', 'b10' or similar which are equally difficult find.

It does take time to add Symbol definitions but the gains usually outweigh the effort that needs to be put in. For simple programs or demonstration and example code it's usually ok to use non-Symbol defined variables but as code gets more complicated they really are a benefit.


Senior Member
A word of advice though. As age sets in (and I'm well qualified to comment here), the memory starts to fade. At least, I think it does. Now, what were we talking about. Oh yes, variables. Use symbols, then you won't forget what you used them for:cool:
Yeah BB, famous old men excuse ;)