Memory Location Already Used


Senior Member
Trying to complie a big new program (maybe too big) I get:

Compile Error
Memory location already used B! 2248 17984

I found one previous post that referred to too many SETINT statements. I have 2 only.


Ex-Staff (retired)
I got the same yesterday. I suspect the error message includes Rev-Ed diagnostic code; in my experience it means the program has become too big to fit in memory.

It's not necessarily because of SETINT. Comment out lines until the error goes away on a Syntax Check and check what the pop-up says about memory used.


Senior Member
I have seen this error when the program writes to EEPROM with the WRITE, or EEPROM command to a location that is being used by program code.


Senior Member
When I make it smaller, but still too big, it tells me to reduce the size by say 51 bytes. So is there a point at which it gives up and the compiler simply terminates?


Technical Support
Staff member
The error message is not correct we will look into it. Which chip are you using?