Me again! - now i've got 1 way comms working fine... what's up with my 2 way code?


Senior Member
Yes.. back again! - Now i've figured out the XRF module problems (see recent post, and thanks BTW) i'm trying to get communication both ways (the final step in my master plan)

My intention for the code below is:

(as per my previous post) - Transmit an incrementing variable from chip 1 to chip 2 and display it on the OLED LCD screen

When the number received is between 125 and 255, send a signal back to chip 1 that is recognized and will light 1 LED and then turn off another LED on the chip 1 circuit.

When the number received at chip 2 is between 0 and 124, send a different signal to chip 1 that will make the LEDs flip back the other way - I've got two 'indicator' LEDs also on chip 2 that do the same thing for chip 2 (just to show me that part of the code is working really...)

My problem is that the serrin command on chip 1's code appears to 'hang' the program. and it just stops all transmission either in or out. - If I delete the 'serin' line of code (Line 15) on chip 1, then I get one way comms back again and the LCD updates with the incrementing variables.

Am I doing something obviously wrong? - chip 2 doesn't seem to get 'hung' going between serin and serout... why does chip 1? - Do I need some kind of 'handshake' ... remember, i'm a noob at all this serial lark!

Using a 20x2

Chip 1 code

'this programme is 'chip 1'

setfreq m16 ' configure chip to 16mhz mode
pause 1000

b1=1 ' Declare starting point of count

inc B1
high b.5 'Set transmission pin high (improve data tranfer)

serin b.6,T9600_16,b5 'read in value to b2

if b5=2 then 'if a '2' is recieved then...

high C.0 'Light LED indicator 1
low C.1 'Turn off LED indicator 2

else if b5=1 then 'if a '1' is recieved then...

high C.1 'Light LED indicator 2
Low C.0 'Turn off LED Idicator 1

pause 100 'time between sending output pulses to Chip 2
serout b.5,T9600_16,(b1) 'transmit variable through XRF to chip 2

goto main


Chip 2 Code

'this programme is 'chip 2'

setfreq m16 'config chip to 16mhz mode
serout b.7,N2400_16,(254,1) ;clear LCD


high b.6

serin b.6,T9600_16,b1 ; Read in wireless serial into b1
serout b.7,N2400_16,(254,128) ;Goto line 1, pos 1 of LCD
serout b.7,N2400_16,(#b1) ; write variable B1

if b1=255 or b1=0 or b1=1 then

serout b.7,N2400_16,(254,1) ;clear LCD

pause 100

else if b1>125 and b1<255 then

serout b.5,T9600_16,(1) 'send code to chip 1 to light LED1 and turn off LED2
high c.0 low c.1


serout b.5,T9600_16,(2) 'send code to chip 1 light LED2 and turn off LED 1


goto main



Senior Member
'serin' is a 'blocking' command.

Your code will wait for an input, no matter how long it takes for it to arrive.

Try using a 'timeout'.

See the manual for details,




The "timeout" is an optional parameter for the SERIN command that will allow the program to branch to another label if no aerial input is received within the specified time frame.
Note that if some serial data is received but the sought data this will still prevent the "timeout" occuring however for a hardware circuit this is unlikely but may occur due to noise in a radio link.