MAX14870 Single Brushed DC Motor Driver Carrier


Senior Member
Hello. I intend using 4 Polulu MAX14870 Single Brushed DC Motor Driver Carrier boards to control gun turrets. I will be using a 28X2 chip and I am trying to work out how much current all the components are using. These boards use a pwm pin and a direction pin. I vaguely remember reading that these pins draw very little current. Is that right ? The only thing I could find in the datasheet was a reference to leakage on these pins being 1 milliamp. Has anyone used these boards?



Senior Member
Hello. I intend using 4 Polulu MAX14870 Single Brushed DC Motor Driver Carrier boards to control gun turrets. I will be using a 28X2 chip and I am trying to work out how much current all the components are using. These boards use a pwm pin and a direction pin. I vaguely remember reading that these pins draw very little current. Is that right ? The only thing I could find in the datasheet was a reference to leakage on these pins being 1 milliamp. Has anyone used these boards?

Marz, It's not clear to me what you are actually asking. If you want to measure the current flowing through any part of your circuit, you can do one of two things:
  • Open the circuit and connect a multimeter on a current measurement range in series.
  • If there is a resistor involved, you can measure the voltage across the resistor and determine the current mathematically with the formula I = V/R. Note: If you want the instantaneous current in a pulsing circuit, you need to use an oscilloscope to read the voltage - then use the same formula.