Manual 1, P. 11, 20X2 pinout, leg 5 typo?


Senior Member
In Manual 1, p. 11, 20X2 pinout, leg 5, I am fairly sure that the "C.5" not adjacent to leg 5 is a typo. Is that correct, and should "pwm" be deleted as well? Thanks.


Senior Member
Why do you think Leg5 NOT C.5? - How about Leg10 = C.0? etc :) Man1 Ver7.8 01/2012 Is my copy and C.5 = Leg5...


Senior Member
You will save a lot of people a lot of time if you would actually say why you are 'fairly sure' the manual is wrong.

My mind reading powers don't work so well over oceans.


Ex-Staff (retired)
Leg 5 of a 20X2 is pin C.5 and a PWM channel for PWMOUT.

As others have asked; what is making you think that is not the case ?


Senior Member
On the 20M2, one of the noted functions for leg 5, pin c.5 is "pwm", while on the 20X2 it is "pwm c.5", and perhaps that is the difference being pointed out. If there is a functional distinction being made between the descriptions of the two parts, I don't know what it is.


Senior Member
Actually, I thought I was being specific and fully explaining my question, but sometimes what we write in haste isn't perfectly clear, or sometimes comes "over oceans" as rude when that is not what we meant.

The reason that I am "fairly sure that the 'C.5' not adjacent to leg 5 is a typo" is because that nowhere else on page 11 does the pin number appear mixed in with the functions of the pin. A screen shot is attached to show the "C.5" to which I am referring. The presence of the "C.5" circled in red caused me to wonder if pwm is a function of the pin, or if "pwm" was part of a "cut and paste" typo.


PICAXE-20X2 Pinout.PNG


Ex-Staff (retired)
The reason that I am "fairly sure that the 'C.5' not adjacent to leg 5 is a typo" is because that nowhere else on page 11 does the pin number appear mixed in with the functions of the pin.
Thanks for clarification. It is probably not so much a typo as an anomaly though I cannot off-hand say if it were intentional or not.