Looking for old version of editor


New Member

I was wondering if there was a link to where I could download older versions of the editor. I would like to run some tests on some code which I know worked 3 years ago. Just trying to rule out all posibilities before I blame the hardware.


Ex-Staff (retired)
We don't host or link to older versions of Programming Editor. Trying to find a three year old version could be hard and may not even run under more recent versions of Windows. Do you even know what PE version you were using three years ago ?

PE updates are usually to add enhancements to the programming language, support new PICAXE or improve other aspects of the PE. It's very rare that an update is to fix a code generation error so, for the same program, same PICAXE, the code downloaded into the chip now would almost certainly be exactly the same as the code downloaded three years ago. That said; the compilers have changed over three years so it cannot be ruled out.

I would approach it as having a program which doesn't work, needing to discover why, as if you'd just written the code. If you had an old version, could demonstrate "that works, this doesn't" it could help but the problem you have can still be resolved without that.


New Member
OK, I was just trying to rule out a PE possibility.

I am using a K107 rev 3 connected to a 40x @ 4mhz picaxe. I know when I purchased this 3 years ago it worked great. I have tried all sorts of things to get it going now and have concluded its either the K107 PIC or maybe PE 5.2.11.

The unit starts up and displays "2400 baud 4x20" and when I short the test pin I get characters onto the screen. However for all my trying I cannot get any meaningful characters onto the screen.

The following code displays "stuv" repeating across the screen. if I change the numbers from 3456 to 789 I get "wxy" So I have concluded that my setup must be OK.

high 0
pause 2000

SEROUT 0,T2400_4,("3456")
pause 500
goto main

Have you ever heard of an issue like this ? When I run the picaxe test program that displays bar graph and big numbers etc from andersons web site it show garbage on the screen however the big number function seems to display correctly until it gets overwritten with garbage again

Looks like I shall simply purchase a new K107 with PIC and give another driver board a try.


Senior Member
Doesn't look like something that might have changed with PE.

Could be serial comms are being corrupted. Perhaps a problem with timings. Did you try to nudge Picaxe's frequency a little bit up (and/or down) with CALIBFREQ? Try to include a "CALIBFREQ 5" near the start of the program and see if it makes a difference.


Ex-Staff (retired)
I can't see any reason code generation would have changed, so it should run just as well now as it did then. The code generated by the latest compilers is exactly as I would have expected it to be.

With "3456" and "789" mapping to "stuv" and "wxy", with forcing bit 6 high, it's tempting to say it's a baud rate issue but it doesn't really fit that scenario. The 'corruption' seems too clean, too consistent for a baud rate issue. Not sure I can explain it but it could be an issue with the K107 LCD or its configuration.

You say in your other post that an AXE033 works which also points towards it not being a PE or PICAXE issue.

You could look at the output on a scope and see if it matches what is expected or route it through a MAX232 and see what the PC receives using PE Terminal, or try with Nxxxx baud rate and skip the MAX232.


New Member
This is a shot of the standard demo code running, it just gets worse in overwritting. I had thought for some bazaar reason the command line question mark was not being sent through to the K107PIC. As most of the drivers commands are proceeded with a ?

Anyhow, I give up and will order another K107 board. I hope then I will not have to return to this thread
