Logicator ver 3.6.4 virus report


I have just installed the latest version of Logicator and now receive a threat virus message on attempted startup. I'm using up-to-date W7 without window explorer installed. Please see screen grab.


Thanks for the reply hippy - I suspected that it might be a false positive. Problem has been resolved

nick12ab - I meant to say Internet Explorer is not installed as to causes me some problems that were discussed here a while ago.


Ex-Staff (retired)
:confused: This is stilll an issue - even with AVG disabled I cannot run program :(
You might have to add it to the exceptions list, but temporarily disabling Resident Shield worked for me. There's a delay between doing that and it actually being disabled - a pop-up over the system tray appears - but it should work.

What error message are you getting ?


Ex-Staff (retired)
Adding a file to an AVG exception list may not always be as simple as it could be, depends on what options you have or haven't got set. I always have automatic heal/remove turned off so may be seeing different outcomes than others do.

If you decide to keep the file and use it with the risk of possible payload it may carry, you can restore it from the AVG Virus Vault, and manually exclude it from the AVG detection:

If the file is detected as a Potentially Unwanted Program
Please open AVG - menu "Tools" - "Advanced settings" - "Potentially Unwanted Programs". Click "Add exception" and browse to the file.

If the file is detected as a virus
Please open AVG - menu "Tools" - "Advanced settings" - "Anti-Virus" - "Resident Shield" - "Exceptions". "Add Path" to the folder which contains the file or use "Add File" to exclude the file itself.

Please note that the file will be still detected by AVG test. However, you can disable automatic healing in AVG - menu "Tools" - "Advanced settings" - "Scans" - "Whole computer scan" - disable the option "Automatically heal/remove infections".

To disable automatic healing by scheduled scan open AVG- menu "Tools" - "Advanced settings" - "Schedules" - "Scheduled scan" - "How to scan" - disable the option "Automatically heal/remove infections".
