LocSense GPS Equivalents???


New Member
The PICAXE CONNECT (AXE210) board is designed to be used with a LocSense LS-40EB-3V or LS-41EB-3V GPS module. I cannot locate these GPS units in the U.S. Does anyone know of any equivalent GPS units that I could use without having to do major modifications to the AXE210 instructions?


Jim Rybak


Senior Member
Do you want a GPS that fits the AXE210 board or just one that will work with the PICAXE?

SparkFun has the GPS-08975 3.3 volt GPS for $59.95US plus shipping. I'm currently using this GPS witha uM-FPU floating point chip, but it would work just as well with a PICAXE. You would have to come up with your own method of mounting it to the AXE210 board.
