Little imbarrising question :(

Hello readers, i am a litt ashamed of my self for asking this but here it goes...

For my project I am working on I needed to turn my computer to turn my servers on and other programs remotely. My idea was to connect an old phone I had, I would replace the speaker with the ground pin and input pin. When the mobile recieves a call it plays a ring tone which gives power through the speaker executing the remaining code.

Code so far:
main:                                                            ;This waits for the call
readadc C.4, b1	
if B1> 5 then goto TurnOn
pause 500
goto main

TurnOn:                                                         ;Turns on the relay on and an LED
high 1, 2
pause 1000
low 1
goto setpause                                                 ;Turns off relay

setpause:                                                       ;Keeps LED on for 20 more seconds     
pause 20000
low 2                                                             ;Turns it off and repeats (to turn computer off remotely   
goto main
Then it will drive a transistor to then flick the relay bringing the on button for the computer for a second (simulating pressing the button).

I bought a 5v sub-miniature relay from maplin the other day and I had some old transistors put in a Darlington pair. I have lost those transistors and I am stuck with no knowledge of what transistors to get :/ I am going to maplin tomorrow could some one help me on what I should get? I know it is a very basic question but it is the one component I cannot get around knowing what all the numbers mean etc. Thank you very much people! :) See you in the finished section fairly soon! :O

Would I also need a darlington pair? I am also using eithere a 5v old phone charger or a usb port.


Senior Member
Actually you really don't need a relay. Let the uC drive a plain everyday 2N2222 transistor and let the transistor place the computer front panel button at a logic low for the 1000 mS pulse. One side of the button is 5 volt standby power from the PC PSU and the other is common. There is really no need for a relay that I can think of. If you want a ckt I'll be happy to draw one out. Likely tomorrow morning.
