Limiting D.C motor angle


Hey guys,

So my latest question is how to limit a d.c motor from continuously going around in circles to only a certain degree range... much like a servo however i have just broken my last servo by accident and i cant afford another :( .

It does not use any gears it is straight from motor then attached to a webcam.

Any ideas?

Many thanks


So, your motor is a standard brushed motor?

If you have a device without feedback and, unknown to us, it's speed,load,acceleration, then have a think and tell us how you THINK you'd do it.

Do you want to add any sensing devices?

Are you sure it has no gears?


ok so my motor is a motor from a servo, i got bored one day and wanted to see if i could make it continuous but in the end i just took everything out and just kept the motor...hense its quite useless so becuase of that i would say its a standard motor.
Ermm it has the servo gears still attaached to the inside, i can attach a picture if you want, it did have a limitor on there however me being a muppet i did cut it off, saying that i could attach another one some how... also the pot from the servo has also been... a word for it is modified, the limiter on that one has been removed to. My first thought was if i send a pulse to power the motor and then another one later on wouldnt it move the same amount both times, so if i figure out how many pulses i need to stay within my angle range i could just program it so that it can only be pulsed x amount of times? whats your view on that?


Senior Member
Inertia in the motor would most likely cause an overshoot.

You would have to short out the terminals whenever you wanted it to stop, as regenerative braking.
However the peak currents in that mode can be many times the nominal current.


Senior Member
Thanks MFB, just ordered three servos from at the price they are good for playing with Picaxe.


New Member
Using a servo motor as a motor or a servo

The problem you have now is that by removing the pot your servo does not know where it currently is ( there is no feedback ), this could be helpful if you wanted to make it act as a motor, but then you have to remove the pot inside the servo and replace it with 2 fixed resistors of the same value as the pot eg. 10k pot then use two 5k resistors, sothat the servo thinks its still in the neutral position ( exactly in the middle of its range ) and then remove the limiter on the gear you can now control the servo by still giving it its initial pulses eg. Using the servopos command like

servopos 4.150 (now it souldn't move you might need to fine tune it like maybe setting the pulse at 149 or 151 all depends on your servo but normaly this is the null point)

now then if you then take your pulse down from 150 your servo wil start moving slowly in the one direction and the more you take your pulse down the faster it wil go but do not take it down more than 75 as this is normaly the pulse to drive it to its max position on the one side, but it wouldn't stop because it is looking for the feedback to know where it is but its not getting it.
Now if you would then increase your pulse to more than 150 it would move to the other direction and the more you increase it the faster it wil rotate but then do not go more than 250 as this is normaly the pulse to drive it to its max position in the other direction.
Now all of this is usefull if you want to use a servo as a motor but still be able to control its direction and speed via one wire and one command and still have all your servo torque, but then to change it back . . .

You are going to have to put back your initial pot or if not a pot of equal value sothat the servo now know were it is and now you can use the same commands but it wil only move to the position equal to the pulse eg. Servo 4.150 would be in the middle, servo 4.75 all the way to the one side and servo 4.250 all the way to the other side, these pulses may slightly change according to your servo but is normaly around there.
As for your limiter, it is not that important unless you sent a pulse to the servo that is out of its initial range then it would jitter and not know were it is going so to be safe stay between a pulse of 85 and 200. Again interperate these values for your servo they might change slightly.

Hope all of this could help you in some way or another.


Senior Member
ok so my motor is a motor from a servo, i got bored one day and wanted to see if i could make it continuous but in the end i just took everything out and just kept the motor...hense its quite useless so becuase of that i would say its a standard motor.
Sometimes we pay dearly for boredom-induced activity, 'cuz in the real world, there isn't an "undo" button.