LEGO 2.4 GHz Radio Control Power Functions

Brian Z

New Member
I built a circuit to translate hobby servo signals into PWM power for LEGO power functions. The infrared remote controls that LEGO sells to control your remote devices are nearly worthless for controlling cars, so I decided to use hobby 2.4 GHz radio controls. It worked surprisingly well. In fact, this is the first Picaxe project I've built that worked on the first try. I used the 14M2 because it had 4 PWM pins.

My next step is to make it smaller by using a surface mount 14M2 and a L298P surface mount H-Bridge. I've wanted to learn to solder small parts for a while now.

Brian Z


Senior Member
Nice project and a really good write-up. Glad to see other people etching their own boards. I've always had bad luck with the SN754410 but it might be something I was doing wrong.


Brian Z

New Member
Thanks! I have built a few Picaxe projects, but this was the first one I've made a blog post about, which has been on my goal list for a while. So many people take the time to document their projects and those pages are such a help to me.

Every time I build something with a Picaxe I marvel at the golden age of learning electronics that I'm living in.

Brian Z