LCD serial display

How do I code a 3 digit number stored in the variable b10, to be displayed on a serial LCD screen 16 columns x 2 rows? I have used the following formula for a 2 digit #

let b11=b11+48, b11 is the 1st digit
let b12=b12+48, b12 is the 2nd digit

Yes it works for a 2 digit number but I don't know how to extend it to a 3 digit number in the variable b10. All I am trying to do is display a 3 digit number that is stored in b10 to a serial display. Is there another way to do this, I am using a 28X1.



Ex-Staff (retired)
b10 = 123
b12 = b10 / 100 // 10 + "0"
b11 = b10 / 10 // 10 + "0"
b10 = b10 / 1 // 10 + "0"

b12 = "1", b11 = "2", b10 = "3" - You can probably see the pattern needed to go up to five digits for word variables.

Or simply use the BINTOASCII command which does this all for you.


if using a byte variable,
then for example #b10 will work for values from 0 to 255.

if using a word variable,
then for example #w5 will work for values from 0 to 65535.


Ex-Staff (retired)
Using # in SEROUT is often good enough. It's downside is that it doesn't produce a fixed number of digits, no leading zeroes or trailing spaces which can create issues when displaying numbers on an LCD, though none of them insurmountable.


Using # in SEROUT is often good enough. It's downside is that it doesn't produce a fixed number of digits, no leading zeroes or trailing spaces which can create issues when displaying numbers on an LCD, though none of them insurmountable.
very true hippy.
for the 3 digit case when using the # method,
if formatting is a factor then for say the hundreds difgit need to check if number is <100 and if so send a space.
if formatting is not a big issue then can just send a space or two at the end of the number.

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