LCD characters go dim when I turn off debug!


Hi all,
this one's had me stumped for a couple of nights now!!
I'm playing with an 18X on a Project Board, running a 2x16 LCD direct, running code similar to that used in the PICAXE Manual Sect.3-Interfacing Circuits - ie: using the wrchr & wrins sub-routines. I am getting a 0-5v input (from a vaccuum potentiometer)that I convert to an inches of Mercury figure that displays on the LCD. Works great, but...
when I run it with 'debug' active, all the characters are displayed perfectly, but naturally runs a fairly slow refresh, so then I deleted the debug command - now each character along the line gets progressively dimmer! First move was to change batteries - no difference. I but the 'debug' command back, and it's working perfectly again!!
can anyone offer an explanation?


Technical Support
Staff member
Is the symptom actually removal of the serial cable, not the fact that you use debug or not . If so this implies a dodgy 0V rail connection somewhere between LCD and PICAXE board.

Or is your program refreshing the LCD so often that symbols are flickering? Try adding some pauses.

Edited by - Technical on 29/03/2006 11:08:54


Thanks Technical...
I found hot caffine worked a treat! With a fresh pot of coffee on the go, I also realised that the LCD was simply refreshing too fast! I have tried various pause rates while I sipped my cuppa, and found 'Pause 100' solved the display dissapearing problem & still reacting fast enough for the changes I was hoping to see.
Now off to the next challenge :)