Is there an error in this code?


New Member
It seems that this part of my code has an error.
If ir is not = 43 nothing of this code is supposed to execute. Is a elseif required, or is it ok to just use if-then-endif?

if ir = 43 then 							        rem save preset-button is pressed (time/clock button)
	  		irin [4000,flashred],B.6,ir				rem wait for a button press, timeout with red flash after 4s,	
	  		if ir <9 then						rem
	 			preset_addr = ir*2				rem calculate preset_addr for the selected preset-button
	 			write preset_addr, word pos			rem write current pos into preset_addr
	 			goto flashgreen					rem indicate successful preset with green flash


Well-known member
Please, Gunnar. Adopt the method of remarking in your program to what almost everyone else uses.

Use an apostrophe " ' " or a " ; " in front of your remarks on a program statement line.

Use a compiler directive pair " #rem " and " #endrem " in the program editor.

Life will be so much easier for us all if you will do this. :)


New Member
Please, Gunnar. Adopt the method of remarking in your program to what almost everyone else uses.

Use an apostrophe " ' " or a " ; " in front of your remarks on a program statement line.

Use a compiler directive pair " #rem " and " #endrem " in the program editor.

Life will be so much easier for us all if you will do this. :)
OK, will do :) but the manual 2 says: Comments
begin with an apostrophe &#8216; or semicolon ; and continue until the end of the
line. The keyword REM may also be used for a comment.

What is the difference?


New Member
It seems that this part of my code has an error.
If ir is not = 43 nothing of this code is supposed to execute. Is a elseif required, or is it ok to just use if-then-endif?

if ir = 43 then 							        rem save preset-button is pressed (time/clock button)
	  		irin [4000,flashred],B.6,ir				rem wait for a button press, timeout with red flash after 4s,	
	  		if ir <9 then						rem
	 			preset_addr = ir*2				rem calculate preset_addr for the selected preset-button
	 			write preset_addr, word pos			rem write current pos into preset_addr
	 			goto flashgreen					rem indicate successful preset with green flash
My running version has text on that line, so this is not the problem. But thanks anyway, didn`t know that this could cause problems.


Senior Member
I would need to know more about the problem you're having...maybe post your entire code?

The snipped you posted looked pasted into my editor, and looked fine (even with the empty REM statement)

From what I can see...if IR is not equal to 43, this should not run.

Post your complete code.


Senior Member
Also which editor are you using Ver 5 or Ver 6.
I looked at your code in both editors and it looks like Ver 6 treats REM different than other comment indicators such as '
Shot in the dark.
Also, if you step the code with a forced value other than 43, does it work.
And, is the 43 you are expecting decimal or hex, this one often trips me up if I am not paying attention to type.
100 is 100 decimal
$64 is 64 hex
0x64 is 64 hex
%01100100 is 01100100 binary
&#8220;A&#8221; is &#8220;A&#8221; ascii (65)
&#8220;Hello&#8221; is &#8220;Hello&#8221; - equivalent to &#8220;H&#8221;,&#8221;e&#8221;,&#8221;l&#8221;,&#8221;l&#8221;,&#8221;o&#8221;
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New Member
Also which editor are you using Ver 5 or Ver 6.
I looked at your code in both editors and it looks like Ver 6 treats REM different than other comment indicators such as '
Shot in the dark.
Also, if you step the code with a forced value other than 43, does it work.
And, is the 43 you are expecting decimal or hex, this one often trips me up if I am not paying attention to type.
It is version 5.5.5
43 is decimal, as decoded from a Sony TV-remote.

Could have done my homework better before posting, as I didn`t know it is that easy to simulate the code, even with a remote..
The piece of code runs fine in the simulator, so it seems that it is ok. Must be something else.


New Member
I would need to know more about the problem you're having...maybe post your entire code?

The snipped you posted looked pasted into my editor, and looked fine (even with the empty REM statement)

From what I can see...if IR is not equal to 43, this should not run.

Post your complete code.
No problem, here is the complete code. This project is a controller for a home theater screen masking system. It has two tubular motors, which are controlled with relays from one controller each. The received IR is common between the controllers, but nothing else. On each motor there is an quadrature encoder that gives feedback for the posistion of the mask.

This code is for the right motor. The code for the left motor is almost identical, except that the motors turns in different direction when retracting or extending the masks. The masks consist of dark fabric that is wounded up on each motor. the fabric is kept under tention towards the center of the screen with bungee and some thin wire over a pulley and back around the motors ("constant" spring). The masks can be jogged in and out individually, and 8 presets can be stored for common aspect ratios. Jogging works fine on both motors, both in and out, but storing the presets works only occationally. When I want to store a preset, I jog both masks to the desired position, press "store-button" (ir-code 43), and then press the desired preset-button within 4 seconds. When I succeed storing a preset it seems accurate, and doesn`t change. But I notice that when pressing the "store-button", sometimes one or both masks move. Don`t know why. I have missed obvious errors before... Not sure if the changing between different clock speeds could do some harm? I did some work cleaning up the code, eg. using 32MHz only when it is needed, but I post the exact code here that give me the trouble..

SYMBOL pos = w0									rem current position. Need 16-bit counter. About 3000 counts
SYMBOL target_pos = w1								rem target position. Stored in eeprom for each preset.								
SYMBOL pos_change = b4								rem 						
SYMBOL enc_state = b5								rem current encoder state
SYMBOL ir = b6									        rem received ir-code
SYMBOL preset_addr = b8								rem eeprom address for the presets = received ir-code x 2
SYMBOL target_error = b9							rem target position considered reached when within target_pos +/- target_error							
SYMBOL pos_addr = 32								rem eeprom-address for storing the current position
SYMBOL stop_offset = 15								rem approx. number of counts during motor stop (motor power off)
SYMBOL preset_address = b11							rem the ir-code is used as a lookup index for the preset addresses.
eeprom 0,(0,127,0,127,0,127,0,127,0,127,0,127)				rem preload eeprom with (2^16)/2
eeprom 12,(0,127,0,127,0,127,0,127,0,127,0,127)				rem for all presets and pos to
eeprom 24,(0,127,0,127,0,127,0,127,0,127)	  				rem avoid pos counter rollover at mask extremes

	read pos_addr, word pos							rem load position from previous session
	sertxd("Saved pos: ",#pos,13,10)					rem write position to serial port for debugging
	enc_state = pinsB & %00000011						rem read initial encoder state
setfreq m32										rem set clock-speed to 32MHz
		irin [1000,main],B.6,ir						rem wait for IR. Timeout after 1, or read ir-code from B.6
	  	preset_addr = ir*2						rem calculate eeprom address for preset (use ir-code as index)
	  	setfreq m4
		sertxd("IR-code: ",#ir,13,10)					rem write received ir-code to serial port for debugging
		setfreq m32
	  	if ir = 43 then 							rem save preset-button is pressed (time/clock button)
	  		irin [4000,flashred],B.6,ir				rem wait for a valid preset-button press, or timeout after 4s,	
	  		if ir <9 then						rem flash red led if a valid preset-button is not pressed, or nothing is pressed
	 			preset_addr = ir*2				rem calculate preset_addr for the pressed preset-button
	 			write preset_addr, word pos			rem write current pos into preset_addr
	 			goto flashgreen						rem LEDs only on controller #1, so no red or green flash

	  	if ir < 9  then movto_preset					rem move mask to preset if ir-code received is a valid preset-button 
	  	if ir=37 or ir=38 then jog					rem jog left/right ir-code 37: input 38: balance -
	  	goto main								rem unknown IR-code, go back to main and wait for new ir-code
	  	high C.2								rem power on encoder
		pause 500  
	  	read preset_addr, word target_pos				rem read target position from eeprom
	  	if target_pos > pos then
			target_error = target_pos - pos
			if target_error < 20 then main			rem error less than 20 counts, don`t move
			goto extend							rem mask need to extend
		if target_pos < pos then
			target_error = pos - target_pos
			if target_error < 20 then main			rem error less than 20 counts, don`t move
			goto retract						rem mask need to retract

	  	if target_pos = pos then main					rem already on target, no movement, go back to main				
		high C.2								rem power on encoder
		pause 500  
	  	if ir = 37 then							rem extend
		pause 1000
		high B.4								rem motor rotates CCW seen from cable end.
	  	pause 1000
		high B.5								rem start motor
	  	goto monitor_jog

		if ir = 38 then							rem retract
		pause 1000
		low B.4								rem motor rotates CW seen from cable end.
	  	pause 1000
		high B.5								rem start motor
	  	goto monitor_jog
	  extend:									rem start motor ccw (seen from cable end)
	  	target_pos = target_pos - stop_offset			rem cut power stop_offset counts before reaching target_pos
	  	pause 1000
		high B.4
	  	pause 1000
		high B.5
	  	goto monitor_preset
	  retract:									rem start motor cw (seen from cable end)
	  	target_pos = target_pos + stop_offset			rem cut power stop_offset counts before reaching target_pos
	  	pause 1000
		low B.4
	  	pause 1000
		high B.5
	  	goto monitor_preset
goto main


	if pos = target_pos or pinC.6 = 1 then stop_movement		rem preset reached or key pressed (one-shot keeps pinC.6=1 if ir) to interrupt movement?
	enc_state = enc_state & %00000011 * 4				rem shift the two LSB bits containing current enc_state two bits left
	enc_state = pinsB & %00000011 | enc_state				rem read new enc_state into the two LSB-bits, OR with previous enc_state to get the current LOOKUP-index
	LOOKUP enc_state,(1,2,0,1,0,1,1,2,2,1,1,0,1,0,2,1),pos_change rem use the enc_state as an index in the LOOKUP-table, and put the result into pos_change
	pos = pos -1 + pos_change						rem calculate the new pos (count). The LOOKUP-table can`t contain negative numbers.
	GOTO monitor_preset							rem repeat until target_pos reached, or an arbitrary button is pressed (emergency stop)						



	if pinC.6 = 0 then stop_movement					rem jog-key released?? (one-shot keeps pinC.6 high during ir-activity)
	enc_state = enc_state & %00000011 * 4
	enc_state = pinsB & %00000011 | enc_state
	LOOKUP enc_state,(1,2,0,1,0,1,1,2,2,1,1,0,1,0,2,1),pos_change
	pos = pos -1 + pos_change
	GOTO monitor_jog



low B.5								rem turn off motor-power

	for b10=0 to 200						rem continue to count encoder pulses until motor has stopped completely.
         enc_state = enc_state & %00000011 * 4
	   enc_state = pinsB & %00000011 | enc_state
	   LOOKUP enc_state,(1,2,0,1,0,1,1,2,2,1,1,0,1,0,2,1),pos_change
	   pos = pos -1 + pos_change
      next b10

	setfreq m4
	sertxd("Stop at pos: ",#pos,13,10)
	pause 1000
	write pos_addr, word pos				rem update memory with current position
	low C.2							rem power off encoder
	goto main
high C.0
pause 800
low C.0
pause 800
high C.0
pause 800
low C.0
goto main

high C.1
pause 800
low C.1
pause 800
high C.1
pause 800
low C.1
goto main
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