Is there a consolidated list of FSRs?


I have seen several posts refering to peek/pokeing the FSRs.

I am wondering if there is any one place to get a synopsis of them along with the tricks of access i.e. droping the F in the address in chips where only byte values are allowed (I think that is the way to interpret one article I saw).

Or perhaps there are (or could be) predefined variables or symbols for the various PA's that could be referenced directly in programs.

I understand that these are "ADVANCED" functions, so I would expect them to be buried in directories where the feint hearted might fear to tread, but the need to research each parent chip to identify how to set a custom baud rate (bad example because much of this is written up in Vol.2) etc. causes me to forget what I was trying to do while I am researching the side topic, and even then I'm not sure I got it right - is it the same fromm one chip to another? Do I need a different value for a 40X2 than for an 18M2?

Appreciate inadvance any thoughts or help.
Bert Holmes


Ex-Staff (retired)
There's a lot of consistency between PICmico but also a lot of inconsistency so you really have to look at the individual Microchip datasheets. Also in particular the way the PICAXE references the SFR address is very different for the M2 than it is with the X2, and earlier PICAXE use PEEK/POKE rather than PEEKSFR/POKESFR.