IR question


New Member
I am looking to setup an IR Transmitter and receiver for a model/s control project, its a pretty simple setup.

I was hoping to control a number of models with the the same IR transmitter - but i am making some assumptions here:

FYI - Create PICAXE transmitter...(not sony etc..)


  1. Can you Identify device (target) in IR transmit ( I would need receiver devices to be able to obviously identify they are the target for next commands etc..)
  2. Is there a broadcast device ID e.g can i get more than one device to recognise certain commands (example all stop)

any pointers will dictate my setup etc... (or is bluetooth a better option) PS on reciever devices is very very small


Senior Member
IR is hard to beat for size, range and reliability. Stick with built-in Sony codes, just have each receiver respond to a different group of commands, and have one common command for all stop.


New Member
Hi and thanks
From quick research IR appears best bet - range and everything works so this is good to. Excuse my ignorance on IR commands but i have a few questions:

I assume i could easily replicate sony command set/s on a pic axe board with IR transmitters etc..IROUT? also
when you say, "receiver respond to a different group of commands" my interpretation is:

Forego Device ID type of approach and out of the n' commands available have each receiver recognise a specific unique set of commands. reserver some coads to be non unique therefore everybody's listening



Senior Member
A Picaxe can transmit (IROUT) any device code, but can only receive (IRIN) device code 1, or TV. So assuming you're using a Picaxe to receive as well, your only option is to use a unique set of TV commands for each receiver.


Senior Member

If you have a limited number of control codes and/or very similar functions on all "slave" devices, then one possibility is to implement a "snooze / wakeup" type protocol:

For example, one command might instruct all devices to "snooze" (i.e. subsequently ignore all function-type commands) and then a RYGB (colour) button might "wake up" a correspsonding device. Then, all subseqent function commands apply to only that selected device (until another all-wake, snooze or colour command is transmitted). But such a protocol is far from "bomb proof", so you need very reliable communications and an "intelligent" user.

Cheers, Alan.