Ignition system


New Member
I have an old 1-cylinder 2-cycle engine that has bad points. I can't get new ones, and I really don't want to pull the flywheel off of it.
I was wondering about the possibility of making an ignition system, with either a Hall effect sensor, or perhaps an optical sensor. Would a Picaxe be fast enough for this? Max rpm would be about 4000-5000...if the Picaxe can't do it, what are some faster microcontrollers that aren't too expensive, and where could I find schematics/diagrams of CDI or other electronic ignition systems?


Senior Member
Try some of these links.






list of magazine articles: http://www.nleindex.com/index.php?pID=HTDI&sID=BrowseIndex&tID=E/99




Senior Member
Hi Chris,
This may help.
<A href='http://www.jerry-howell.com/IgnitionModules.html' Target=_Blank>External Web Link</a>


New Member
Two cycle engine? Magneto? or &quot;energy transfer magneto?&quot; (coil separate from pickup inductor). Does it use a battery for ignition?

All the Brigs and Stratton I've worked on (are four cycle) and use magnetos. All the outboard marine 2 cycle are energy transfer magneto systems (from 4 HP to 150 HP)

In the case of Brigs - they offer a solid state replacement that seems to be nothing more than a thyristor triggered with a coil - very inexpensive, but gets rid of the points.

SS replacement was around $9 and points $3 last time I checked - and you'd still have to pull the flywheel.

Outboard marine switched to SCR a long time ago but you can still find parts for antique point style magneto systems.

Not everything is replaceable with a PIC and sometimes it makes very poor sense to try.

Perhaps a gear puller, skinned knuckles,arm waving, head-scratching and cursing will fix it faster.

If I can fix a scanning electron microscope - I can damn sure fix a lawnmower - or that's what I tell myself.