Ideas for 08m chips


Hey guys,
So i am looking for a few projects that i can make by communicating with the computer and 08m chip, i have 6 chips (donation from school) and i have been given access to a large amount of components from the school. I would definatly want to communicate between the chip and computer however i am running out of ideas, i have controlled a LED and two servos previously.




Senior Member
I use 08M's all the time for simple tasks, leaving the main PICAXE(usually a 28X2 or 40X2) to get on with other things.

The most common things I use the 08 for are:

- Data filter for RF links
- TUNE generator for sound effects
- Serial data generator for pendant-type panic buttons.

I have also based a simple serial-message generator on the 08M, and this just has four push-buttons and a connection back to the computer.

Depending on which of the buttons you press, or combination of those buttons, you can send different messages back to the PC.

In my case, I use it for testing serial connections between chips, as you can program in exactly the string the processing PICAXE is expecting, and use it to debug serial communication problems between the chips.


How hard would it be to make a infrared distance measurer? that would be kind of cool if i can then show that on a computer


Do you mean one that uses the SPeed of Light timing?
Unless you asre really good at electronics or get a smart-partner I'd think of another project if I were you.
If it were IR received strength or angle-of-dangle you'd stand a better chance.

I was puting some ideas to Jeremy for a project like this but we both got bored. It used phase and logic - thats why we got bored.


Senior Member
It can probably be done - if you had the right IR sensor thing.
You would need a device designed to do that, and then you could read the data from the IR device with the 08M, and output the readings(and/or perform conversion maths on it) back to a terminal program running on the PC.

I don't have any links to any such IR device, but I bet they are about if you know where to look. Others here may well come up with some links...


Ex-Staff (retired)
Perhaps the simplest 08M to computer use is a temperature logger. Have the 08M read a DS18B20 or even a thermistor and have it send the temperature to the PC. The PC can draw graphs of the temperature etc.

If you want something a little more complicated and controlled by a PC, set four 08M's up as traffic lights on a cross-junction with red, amber and green LED's and have the PC control the sequencing of each over serial.

You could add other 08M's as the pedestrian crossing controller and have that tell the computer when people want to cross when a button is pushed, control the cross / don't cross LED's and perhaps even add a 'cross now' beeper.


Senior Member
How about making a 'glass strip chart recorder'? Use the 08M to measure three voltages and send the data to a PC for plotting in real-time. A forum search for StampPlot Pro will result in quite a few examples of how to use this free PC software. Although not up to digital scope speeds, the proposed instrument would be plenty fast enough to help with the development of control systems and measuring temperatures etc.


Senior Member
If you want just an entrancing acoustic link back to the PC,perhaps even consider 08M based SMT Hellschreiber.
'*  VK/ZL PICAXE-08M HELLSCHREIBER Sequential Multi-Tone (SM/T) beacon code     *
'*  Looks capable of storing ~25 chs. on an 08M  ZL2APS & VK6HV collaboration.  *
'*  This demo entirely fills (256/256 bytes) a 08M.      Sept 2009/Jan.2010     *
‘*  Program may be downloaded from         *
REM PC soundcard decode via SPECTRAN V2 "Waterfall" visual display 
REM Tweak SPECTRAN auto bright, contrast, speed, gain & palette settings etc to suit
REM NOTE: Feel free to add, change, modify or optimize required. 
REM PICAXE tone generating syntax is in form PIN,(SOUND,DURATION)
REM Sound has values 0 (silence) to 128,with output freq =12048/(128.1-sound)
REM So sound =95 output ~12000/(128-95)= 12000/33 =~364 Hz, doubling to 728Hz when 8MHz SETFREQ M8
REM NB – freq. varies slightly with temp. & individual PICAXE internal oscillator calibration.
REM CALIBFREQ +/-30 ( POKE $90 ) conveniently tweaks internal osc. freq.
REM ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
Symbol Testbyte = B0
Symbol Column_Numbers = B4
Symbol Character = B8
Symbol Column_Elements = B6
Symbol Column_Bits = B2
Symbol Tones = B10
Symbol Increment = B12
SetFreq M8
Wait 10 'Message repeat delay-8MHz clock halves value! Use SLEEP (& BOD) etc to enhance battery life
REM Lookup command below accesses your pre-stored message. Modify to suit- pad out with spaces (0)?
REM shows VK.ZL PICAXE "HELL" BEACON - make upper column_number same as number of ch. elements.
For Column_Numbers = 0 to 151              'setting col.number too high repeats last character!
Lookup Column_Numbers,(31,32,64,32,31,0,127,8,20,34,65,0,8,0,97,81,73,69,67,0,127,64,64,64,64,0,0,0,0,0,0,0,127,9,9,9,6,0,65,65,127,65,65,0,62,65,65,65,65,0,124,10,9,10,124,0,65,34,28,34,65,0,127,73,73,73,73,0,0,0,0,0,0,1,1,0,127,8,8,8,127,0,127,73,73,73,73,0,127,64,64,64,64,0,127,64,64,64,64,0,1,1,0,0,0,0,0,0,127,73,73,73,62,0,127,73,73,73,73,0,124,10,9,10,124,0,62,65,65,65,65,0,62,65,65,65,62,0,127,4,8,16,127,0,0,0,0,0,0,8),Character 
Testbyte = Character
Tones = 95
Increment = 0                            'Resets default to 0 after each 5x7 matrix col. sent 
Gosub Hellscreiber
Goto Start
For Column_Elements = 1 to 7
Column_Bits = Bit6                       '7th bit in Byte B0 (Bit0 - Bit7).
If Column_Bits = 1 Then Gosub ToneON     'Send tone if "Bit6" of Byte B0 = "1", 
If Column_Bits = 0 Then Gosub ToneOFF    'else send quiet if "Bit6" of Byte B0 ="0".only bit tested.
Testbyte = Testbyte * 2                  'Shift left! 
Next Column_Elements
Poke $90, Increment                     'CALIBFREQ to bring tones (& thus images) tighter.       
Sound 1, (Tones, 15)                    'PICAXE tone generating syntax in form pin,(sound, duration)
Bit6 = 0                                'Reset Bit6 of Byte B0 to "0" so Hellschreiber: can retest 
Increment = Increment + 2               'Increment a value + 1 to be POKEd at $90
Poke $90, Increment
Sound 1, (0, 15)                        'Sound value of 0 gives silence 
Bit6 = 0
Increment = Increment + 2               'Increment a value +1 to be POKEd at $90  
REM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM Ch.images shown scrolling down the screen "waterfall" style -SPECTRAN horiz. display turns 90°
REM Rt. mouse button click on SPECTRAN display toggles waterfall scroll from downward to leftwards
REM Construct own characters by considering them scrolling downwards -thus N viewed as Z etc
REM                                       Bit6(this is the 7th bit of the 8bit byte, of Byte B0)
REM                                                             |
REM                                                             |        Last sent Bit0 column 5  
REM 5 wide by 7 high matrix                                     |             |                |
REM                                                             V             |                V
REM  Column numbers  1-5          Ex. letter "A" = 124 - *1111100       ##### V                #   
REM  #1  #2  #3  #4  #5                             10 - *0001010          # #               #   #
REM [ 1][ 1][ 1][ 1]((1)) (Bit0                      9 - *0001001 thus =>  #  #            #       #
REM [ 2][ 2][ 2][ 2][ 2]  (Bit1)                    10 - *0001010          # #             # # # # #
REM [ 4][ 4][ 4][ 4][ 4]  (Bit2)                   124 - *1111100       #####              #       #
REM [ 8][ 8][ 8][ 8][ 8]  (Bit3)                                                           #       #
REM [16][16][16][16][16]  (Bit4)           This is Bit6 of column 1,the first bit sent.--> #       #
REM [32][32][32][32][32]  (Bit5)            Then Bit5 of column 1, then Bit 4 of column 1,             
REM (64)[64][64][64][64]  (Bit6)            Bit3, Bit2, Bit1, Bit0, etc. etc. Then Bit6 
REM [ *][*][ *][ *][ *]  (Bit7,not used)   of column 2, then Bit 5, Bit4 and so on until
REM                                         all 35 bits are "shifted left" through the BIT6
REM                                         of byte B0 location (with appropriate tone or
REM                                         silence) & a complete 5x7 character matrix sent.
REM Bit6 (64) in column #1 is the first 
REM bit sent of the 5 x 7 matrix, Bit0    
REM ((1)) in column #5 is the last bit sent.
REM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM         LETTERS:                  and  NUMBERS:                 PUNCTUATION etc: 
REM A = 124, 10,  9, 10,124       T =   1,  1,127,  1,  1     	! =   0,  0, 95,  0,  0
REM B = 127, 73, 73, 73, 62       U =  63, 64, 64, 64, 63	# =  20,127, 20,127, 20
REM C =  62, 65, 65, 65, 65       V =  31, 32, 64, 32, 31	[ =   0,127, 65, 65,  0
REM D = 127, 65, 65, 65, 62       W = 127, 32, 16, 32,127	] =   0, 65, 65,127,  0
REM E = 127, 73, 73, 73, 73       X =  65, 34, 28, 34, 65	\ =   2,  4,  8, 16, 32	
REM F = 127,  9,  9,  9,  9       Y =   1,  2,124,  2,  1	/ =  32, 16,  8,  4,  2
REM G =  62, 65, 73, 73, 57       Z =  97, 81, 73, 69, 67	" =   0,  1,  1,  0,  0
REM H = 127,  8,  8,  8,127       			        . =   0, 64,  0,  0,  0
REM I =  65, 65,127, 65, 65       0 =  62, 65, 65, 65, 62       , =   0, 96,  0,  0,  0 
REM J = 113, 65, 65,127,  1       1 =  68, 66,127, 64, 64       < =   8, 20, 34, 65,  0 
REM K = 127,  8, 20, 34, 65       2 = 121, 73, 73, 73, 70       > =   0, 65, 34, 20,  8
REM L = 127, 64, 64, 64, 64	  3 =  65, 73, 77, 75, 49       ? =   0,  1, 89,  9,  6 
REM M = 127,  2,  4,  2,127	  4 =  15,  8,  8,  8,127       * =  73, 42,127, 42, 73   
REM N = 127,  4,  8, 16,127	  5 =  79, 73, 73, 73, 49       % =  35, 19,  8,100, 98  
REM O =  62, 65, 65, 65, 62	  6 =  60, 74, 73, 73, 49       + =   8,  8,127,  8,  8
REM P = 127,  9,  9,  9,  6	  7 =   1,  1,121,  5,  3       - =   8,  8,  8,  8,  8
REM Q =  62, 65, 81, 33, 94       8 =  54, 73, 73, 73, 54       = =  20, 20, 20, 20, 20 
REM R = 127,  9, 25, 41, 70	  9 =   6,  9,  9,  9,127       
REM S =  70, 73, 73, 73, 49           			 
REM -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
REM  Ham radio call example.(0,)= space-use one between letters & perhaps six between words.
REM          V               K                6               H              V     
REM (31,32,64,32,31,0,127,8,20,34,65,0,60,74,73,73,49,0,127,8,8,8,127,0,31,32,64,32,31)